Workarounds for three Mac Pro Parallels bugs (VT-X support, shared folders, internet)

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop for Mac' started by kshusker, Sep 7, 2006.

  1. NutKracker

    NutKracker Junior Member

    I had a very similar problem with 1896.2 - but I didn't set any legacy or maxmem options - just done a straight upgrade and then restarted the VM. It all locked up with the spinning ball - even the MacOS dock locked up too! I hate having to keep powering off/on my new baby....

    I restarted machine and relaunched VM and it was fine again....appears to be ok from some initial tests.
  2. Andrew @ Parallels

    Andrew @ Parallels Parallels Team

    NutKracker, MacProUser,

    Build 1896.2 should work fine on Mac Pro and iMac Core 2 Duo with 2G RAM or less. If there are more than 2G RAM we still have issues - it could work or it could not. But no more kernel panics with this build for sure. If you have more than 2G RAM you can set maxmem to 2048M as temorarily workaround. But we are working hard on these issues and will support more than 2G of RAM very soon.
  3. itsdapead

    itsdapead Hunter

    The network bug can be more subtle...

    This can also show up as more subtle (and perplexing) problems with other networking operations. I had no trouble web browsing - but was tearing hair out trying to connect to a SMB share from Win 2k and accessing my daapd audio server from Rhythmbox under Ubuntu. You could "see" the servers etc. but things went wrong when you tried to connect. Tried "toggling" the ethernet settings and it all sprang to life.

    The 1896.2 build seems to fix this. Thanks.
  4. NutKracker

    NutKracker Junior Member


    Thanks Andrew! I installed another 2gig (making me up to 3gig) a few days ago...

    Looking forward to these kernal panics being resolved once and for all! ;)

    [email protected] Member

    How can I verify VT-x is actually enabled / working from within the client?


    [email protected] Bit poster

    System Hangs

    I had this working over the weekend - since rebooted and now hangs everytime I try to lauch a VM.

    I have a 3Ghz Mac Pro with 2G RAM installed from Apple.

    I'm running 1896.2 release. Please HELP I have moved everything from Virtual PC to Parallels and reused that old drive so no going back. I need this up for Quickbooks payroll ASAP PLEASE.

    UPDATE: after much restarting and such I manage to get the VM to load but seems rather unstable at this stage.

    Last edited: Sep 18, 2006
  7. Krakerman

    Krakerman Junior Member

    1896.2 Solved my Internet issues with my Mac Pro Xeon 2 gb. To get VT-x to work I still had to put my Mac to sleep for 30 sec then ran Parallels and it enabled Intel VT-x.

    Thanks for the Internet fix thou!

    I hope you eventually add the much needed Direct X into this great program so we can run some games!!!!!
  8. rm6364

    rm6364 Bit poster

    I tried this and it worked. I tried every other suggestion and they wouldn't work. After I was able to do this, I opened Create Network Drive under Tools and created a "virtual" drive of my Mac and can now access all of my files.

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