WM5 for all

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop for Mac' started by maverick808, Jun 16, 2006.

  1. coopermj@muohio.edu

    [email protected] Junior Member

    I've done all that -- as I said, it shows Connecting, but then stops, so I know they are communicating.

    Actually, I left it in Serial mode and tried it with a VMWare session on my work Windows box and it did a similar thing, so now I'm wondering if it's an issue with my 700w not pairing in Serial mode. Did you go through a full connection process or did you have some sort of starting point when you paired yours?

  2. ahintz

    ahintz Junior Member

    Has anyone had success updating the firmware on their WM5 device from within Parallels?
  3. indiekiduk

    indiekiduk Junior Member

    No I wouldn't risk trying that.
  4. z13x

    z13x Bit poster

    Help, need driver for "Windows CE USB Devices"

    I am using O2 Atom
    After connecting the device to Mac, windows ask for the driver to be installed.
    Any idea where to get it?

  5. akac

    akac Hunter

    That would be ActiveSync. ActiveSync includes the drivers for all Windows Mobile devices.
  6. djmorris

    djmorris Bit poster

    hi... it doesn't work for me. i installed the software on my siemens n520, switched it to serial mode, installed the software on my mac and started it. Auto Connect is turned off.

    When I attach the device AciveSync is connecting but the green symbol keeps moving and that's it. Am I doing something wrong?

  7. z13x

    z13x Bit poster

    How to put in to "Developer Mode"?

    I have been trying for the past few days and no progress at all.

    Since I have seen the mentioning of "development mode", I want to give it a try. Can someone point me to right direction?
  8. maverick808

    maverick808 Hunter

    How did you switch to serial mode? Did you download the USBSwitch app from the link I gave or did your device already have it's own installed?
  9. maverick808

    maverick808 Hunter

    If Windows is complaining about drivers it seems the connection is okay. I don't know what else to recommened now other than tracking down the drivers it needs (although it shouldn't need any).

    Do you have the latest version of ActiveSync installed (4.1)? Does your O2 work on an actual Windows machine or in boot camp?
  10. djmorris

    djmorris Bit poster


    I installed the serial mode app from your link. I think the prgram works, since the devise is recognised properly by windows. Do you have any ideas?

    Thanks a lot
  11. fishrain

    fishrain Junior Member


    I do also have some problems with my WM5-Device (Dell Axim x51v) in Parallels: I’m running WinXP as Guest OS

    I still don’t even reach there...to use the tool, because the problem starts allready after installing ActiveSync 4.1. After installing active-sync you have to restart the system an then there is a window where you will be asked to connect the PDA to the PC and (normally) the PDA will be detected automatically....not my Axim....nothing happens!!

    In the parallels settings the axim is listed correctly (there is a checkmark) under USB-Devices....but AciveSync couldn’t detect it!!!???

    Any ideas???

    THX for help....

  12. z13x

    z13x Bit poster

    O2 Atom upgraded Messaging & Security Feature Pack

    First of all, sync perfectly under PC and Bootcamp.

    I use your USB Switch and SyncAlive.

    If Sync Mode = RNDIS
    1. Say detected "Windows Mobile-based Device" and the driver seem OK
    2. Say detected "Windows CE USB Devices", however, I suspect the driver installation is not completed cause "New Hardware is ready" kind of function is never show up.
    3. ActiveSync can never detect the device even if I try to connect by selecting the "USB port"
    4. The Guest OS cannot be shutdwon or restart gracefully.
    5. The shutdwon and restart problem happens eveytime I connect the PDA under RNDIS mode

    If Sync Mode = Serial
    1. The "Find new hardware wizard" Show up and ask for "Windows CE USB Devices" driver; this happen with connecting under Serial mode the very first time PDA is connected OR after first connect with RNDIS as mention in above case.
    2. try update driver using files in ActiveSync/Driver folder but fail
    3. try every way but still "Cannot install this Hardware" show up

    I gave up

    Hopefully Parallels can support the built in bluetooth sooner!!

  13. indiekiduk

    indiekiduk Junior Member

    Perhaps aximsite.com can provide you with the usb switcher for Dells. I believe maverick808's switcher is only for HTC manufactured devices e.g. (i-mate, Qtek, O2, Orange, Vodafone etc)

    Once you get the x51 switched into serial mode then windows will detect it, however it will say there is an error with the device in device manager until you run sync alive.
  14. fishrain

    fishrain Junior Member

    To install the USBSwitch on the Axim....the Axim must be detected by Windows!? Am I right???
    Otherwise .....how to install an app or programm on the wm5-device....????
  15. maverick808

    maverick808 Hunter

    It should work in boot camp (or a real pc) so you can get USBSwitch onto the device that way.

    Inidiekiduk is right in that you need the right USBSwitch or ActiveSync mode switcher for your device.
  16. fishrain

    fishrain Junior Member

    OK...thanx...I will try it like that....I hope I'll find the usbswitch on aximsite.com
  17. carsten801

    carsten801 Bit poster

    Did you find it? I've no success....
    So the USBSwitch app is working on my Axim X51v but there is no effect within parallels....

    Does anybody know where i can get a USBSwitch app which is working with my dell...

    Thanks in advance.
  18. JesseJ

    JesseJ Bit poster

    The USB_Switch program is too tall for landscape view (Motorola Q). Is there a chance you could size it to work for this view as well as port?

    Thanks again for your help with this problem.
  19. Robster

    Robster Hunter


    I have a copy of USBSitch on my iDisk:-



  20. smaug

    smaug Bit poster

    Moto Q

    has anyone got this to work with the Motorola Q?

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