Windows 98 Driver Install?

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by benburch, Nov 14, 2008.

  1. GaryV

    GaryV Bit poster

    win 98se video problem

    Did you ever get this fixed? I have the same problem. Gary
  2. downtime

    downtime Bit poster

    Windows 98 / 98 SE unsupported?!

    I don't understand ... since when and where does Parallels now say that Windows 98 SE is unsupported in Parallels 4 and 5?

    1) It still very much shows up in the list of guest operating systems in the Parallels 5 data sheet currently available on the Parallels webpage:

    2) The current installer for Parallels Desktop 5 (build #9220) plainly shows Windows 98 SE as a supported guest operating system. (See attached screenshot.)

    3) Almost a year ago, John@Parallels was advised of issues with the Windows 98 SE installation on Parallels 4. It was not clear from my postings (starting 12/08) ...

    ... that I was talking about Windows 98 SE, but I cannot get Windows 98 SE to install on Parallels 4 OR on Parallels 5. Parallels 4 has the same problem as Parallels 5, and I haven't gotten a solution back from John in almost a year now!

    John, got anything to say?


    Attached Files:

  3. slk

    slk Junior Member

    Win98SE not supported by Parallels _Tools_

    A good question; it took me a lot of paging back and forth at first, too. Parallels Tools has its own list of guest OS's which it supports. Win98SE fell off that list with Parallels 4. Parallels supports Win98SE; you can install it as a guest OS. You can't install Parallels Tools on a Win98SE virtual machine, unless you're running Parallels 3. In Parallels 3, the Win98SE sound and video drivers were conveniently included in Parallels Tools.

    To be fair, VMWare employs real sleight-of-hand on this topic: their documentation proudly states that VMWare Tools is supported in all guest OS's. True, but what that gets you varies. In Win98, it means a mouse and -- I think -- a video driver. No sound. Like Parallels 4 & 5, you have to go hunting in the forums (see the solutions which worked for me above).
  4. downtime

    downtime Bit poster

    Thanks, slk. I totally get the difference, and just to be clear, I'd be quite happy if I were able to get to trying to kludge the virtual machine drivers to work, but I can't even get Win98SE to install! I'd really just be happy if Parallels would support their product as advertised.
  5. DaleE

    DaleE Member

    Windows 98 Sound driver Parallels 4 iMac 24 Intel 82801BA/BAM AC'97 Audio Control

    Thanks for the info on audio driver download. Previously tried one Intel and one Realtek and one VIA that were for W98SE; none installed correctly. The Avance sound driver works; sound is great! I am running Windows 98SE in Parallels version 4 on an iMac 24 with Intel 82801BA/BAM AC'97 Audio Controller.

    Next planning on install on MacBookPro 17 with Intel 82801AA/AB/BA/Ca AC'97 Audio Controller. Two questions.
    How do you find the specs for the hardware in Macs? does not show a lot of things. (Reported enhancement request to Apple.) Only way I found was to install WXP Pro.

    Any ideas on how to fix WMP buffering? Have Medial Player v9.00.00.3349 running; however, it keeps buffering. Not sure how to fix this. I have changed the Tools->Options->Performance all the way down to connection speed of modem and set buffering from auto to manual 60 seconds max. But still buffers on ATT DSL 6mb down and 512k up speeds. Actually running at 4.8mb per second down.
  6. slk

    slk Junior Member

    Improving Win98 sound in Parallels 3

    On my old MacBook Pro, Parallels 3 is still the best software for hosting Win98SE virtual machines, so I only use Parallels 5 for XP. I found that the AC'97 sound driver provided in Parallels 3 Tools would not accept changes made in the Multimedia Control Panel to the Audio Playback hardware usage and sampling rate sliders. However, when I updated the sound driver (dated 2001) to the 2002 AC'97 noted above in this forum as providing Win98 sound in Parallels 5, I gained full control over sound hardware usage and sampling rate. Cranking the sampling rate to "best" eliminated crackling and echo on three Win98 exclusive games. That link again is
  7. Michael S11

    Michael S11 Bit poster

  8. Ajaxy

    Ajaxy Bit poster

    Trying to use second driver from this link: but it doesn't help. Windows always asking for some CDs (Windows 98 CD or Avance AC'97 CD) is it right or i have to cancel all drivers suggestions by Windows?

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