Windows 8 Update - Critical and Urgent Windows 8 Service Advisory

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by Chris@Parallels, Oct 24, 2012.

  1. liliana3210

    liliana3210 Bit poster

    I have the same problem "Upgrade went well. But Netflix and other video apps still don't work. Windows says the video driver isn't up to snuff. " did you find any solution? Thanks!
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 21, 2013
  2. craigminah

    craigminah Bit poster

    I didn't run into any problems but I really just use Windows 8 for Office 2010 which runs better in a VM than Office 2011 runs natively in OSX, SolSuite, YouVersion, and some other minor apps.

    Maybe reinstall Parallels Tools after you do the upgrade just to make sure they're good.
  3. paulbdoc

    paulbdoc Bit poster

    I have the same issue: netflix will not work and asks that the video driver be updated. No video driver updates are available. Netflix will work using Windows 7. I use a Retina MacBook Pro 15"
  4. TimA32

    TimA32 Bit poster

    This is the second time I ask this question since I had no answer to my previous post...

    This topic and the above knowledgebase entry were posted 6 months ago and still no update.
    This topic was sticky and no longer is !

    So what is the situation regarding Parallels Desktop 7 and Windows 8 upgrade on Bootcamp ?
    Is it possible to safely upgrade to Windows 8 a previous installation of Windows 7 on Bootcamp and use Parallels Desktop 7 ?

    Please provide an answer whether it's "yes it's possible", "no it's not possible" or "yes we are still investigating on this" (if this is not a way to not respond to the problem).
    In any case, give us a status about this problem !
  5. Andrew@Parallels

    Andrew@Parallels Parallels Team

    Hi TimA32,

    Apple announced official support for Windows 8 in their BootCamp only last week:
    Parallels development team is now working to take advantage of this new feature of Apple BootCamp.

    This thread is on the top of my list, I will share more news as soon as I have it. Thanks for posting!
  6. TimA32

    TimA32 Bit poster

    Thank you for your answer. I'll wait for your update on this.
  7. briordan

    briordan Bit poster

    Thank you, Andrew. Any internal updates on a timeline for this? Just checking - You guys have been pretty responsive / quick to Apple's changes in the past.

    ~ Ben
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2013
  8. briordan

    briordan Bit poster

    Sweet 8.0.18480.859305 out today and it takes care of this. THanks!!!
  9. TimA32

    TimA32 Bit poster

    Could you please provide an update regarding Parallels Desktop 7 ?
  10. Andrew@Parallels

    Andrew@Parallels Parallels Team

    Hi everyone,

    New build of Parallels Desktop 8.0.18480 is now available in auto-updater. If you haven't seen it yet, please update manually: click on Parallels Desktop > Check for Updates.

    I don't have news about Parallels Desktop 7 for now, sorry. Will keep you informed about the changes.

  11. MarcosD

    MarcosD Bit poster

    I have upgraded Windows Preview to Windows 8 Pro on Parallels 7.
    Now the VM can't see my Mac folders. Neither can it recognize my external HD.
    Can anyone please help?

    Thank you.

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