Windows 10 Coherence - Pop-up menus hidden

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by MatthewA1, Oct 6, 2015.

  1. Pramesh Boodadoo

    Pramesh Boodadoo Staff Member

    Indeed, it appears that the case requires deeper investigation, so we escalated it to the Development Team.
    Once there is a response from them - whether it is a request for additional information, a workaround or a permanent fix - we will let you know.
    Thank you.
  2. MikeB56

    MikeB56 Bit poster

  3. Mikhail Ushakov

    Mikhail Ushakov Parallels Team

    Hi Mike,
    We've fixed the issue in Parallels Desktop 19. Feel free to update to it for free if you have a subscription to check if the issue remains.
  4. GerardB2

    GerardB2 Bit poster

    Has this issue been fixed in Parallels 18? (one time purchase)
  5. GerardB2

    GerardB2 Bit poster

    Why if this is a known issue is it re-occuring in 3 different versions of Parallels
    This time with macOS Sanoma 14 and Parallels 18??
  6. Cobra

    Cobra Bit poster

    Not sure exactly what causes it, but I've had this happen in Parallels 19. Thankfully has only happened a few times.
    Restarting Windows does resolve it, but looks like this is still hidden in there somehow.
  7. FloT

    FloT Bit poster

    For anyone having this issue, the solution for me was to turn off auto brightness in display settings in MacOS. No idea why.
  8. FloT

    FloT Bit poster

    Correction: it made the problem go away for a while but now it's back. It seems completely random. I've also submitted a ticket. Can we get this fixed without having to update please?
  9. GregB14

    GregB14 Bit poster

    I'm having the same problem in Parallels 17 after installing macOS Sanoma 14.
  10. Mikhail Ushakov

    Mikhail Ushakov Parallels Team

    Parallels Desktop 17 isn't fully compatible with macOS Sonoma:
  11. IsraelS2


    Hi, any updates on this? I'm still having these issues, I'm using Parallels 18 with MacOS Sonoma 14.0.
  12. Mikhail Ushakov

    Mikhail Ushakov Parallels Team

    Parallels Desktop 18 isn't fully compatible with macOS Sonoma: The issue shouldn't be present in Parallels Desktop 19 when running it on macOS Sonoma.
    SathG likes this.
  13. Jeremy Reeves

    Jeremy Reeves Bit poster

    Parallels 18 is not end of life, and is still under maintenance. The bug should be fixed and you should not require users to upgrade in order to continue using it.
    PrzemekB and BernardH like this.
  14. Mikhail Ushakov

    Mikhail Ushakov Parallels Team

    Parallels Desktop 18 is still supported, that's correct and we do our utmost to fix the critical issues that take place. But it's not supported to run on macOS Sonoma.
  15. Gal Shemesh

    Gal Shemesh Bit poster

    Having the same issue here as well. I'm running Parallels 18.3.2 on my M1 Macbook Air 13", 16GB RAM, 512GB SSD and found that after the recent update to this version, all pop-up sub-context menus in Windows are not showing correctly in Coherence mode; they either open a blank sub-context window or that the window opens behind the program the menu is related to, which makes it inaccessible. I've just reported this in a ticket as well. Please kindly fix this ASAP.

  16. Gal Shemesh

    Gal Shemesh Bit poster

    UPDATE: Just found that the problem still occurs even after re-installing the old version Parallels 18.1 that I have in hand when I purchased the license. This makes me think that this is probably related to the recent Mac OS version upgrade from Ventura to Sonoma, but I can't confirm that I can't go back to the old version to check.
  17. Gal Shemesh

    Gal Shemesh Bit poster

    Well said, PrzemekB! I've just had responded with furies reply last night to the support staff in my ticket.
    It's unbelievable and truly a shame that Parallels are suggesting (or actually telling) customers to upgrade to version 19 which isn't free, only to get rid of this unreasonable bug of theirs between version 18 and the recent Mac OS Sonoma - version 18 is still in its service life for God's sake!

    It really feels like Parallels found a way to make the one-time-purchase product of theirs into a subscription plan one, without using the subscription word in it. They just take the customers' feedback and fix the issues in a newer version, leaving the previous version intact instead fixing the bugs in it as well, and then telling customers that if they want a version without these bugs that they'll need to upgrade. I'm really speechless about this.

    Honestly Parallels, it seems like you don't get that a new version of anything mainly means a version with NEW features, not bug fixes which should be taken care of in the version users report about. We don't ask for any of the new features - we only expect that you'd take this fix big from version 19 and apply it to version 18 so we could keep working as we had so far. And you know what? Fine, let's say that you really "can't" fix this matter in versino 18 from any odd reason - the least you could do is say that you're very sorry for this experience and to provide your 18 release customers with a free upgrade key to version 19, so they could put this bug behind them and keep working on their work.

    I for one am NOT going to pay a dime for any of your products, until this matter is solved for me and for the rest of us here.
  18. PrzemekB

    PrzemekB Bit poster

    I just got a notification that my language is inappropriate. Apart from flagging that, are you going to take care of the issue in the software which you supposedly still support?
    DAVIDH114 likes this.
  19. vicentem1

    vicentem1 Bit poster

    I have parallels 19 / Sonoma and the problem with popups continue in coherence mode only.
    I have some clues to solve this. It is a big fail and causes a lot of problems an stability of the applications.
    DAVIDH114 likes this.
  20. Iulian-CasianM

    Iulian-CasianM Bit poster

    So it's simple. There is a fix, but they will not bother to implement it in other version than the newest one. If you paid that big amount for money for Version 18 you can trash it now, they don't care. They only patch the Version 19.... buy that one if you want to have a working version. The one you paid for already it's TRASH.

    Looking on google, I found this issue dating back to 2015 and every year since then. I believe that this is a repetitive issue, created by them every time when a new version is launched, and then they only "fix" the new one.

    "Let's create the same issue for older versions again and again, so that the fools will be forced to buy the new version."

    P.S. I am waiting for my post to be deleted so that I have enough reasons to post it everywhere else afterwards
    P.S.2. Please don't say that Parallels 18 is not supported on Sonoma just because of such an easy to fix bug... everything else is working as expected so "not supported" = "pay the **** for the last version"
    DAVIDH114 and Gal Shemesh like this.

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