Win10 Boot Camp won't boot in Parallels

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by ThomasC9, Nov 9, 2017.

  1. JohnK24

    JohnK24 Bit poster

    I had exactly the same problem when upgrading from v13 to v14. A perfectly usable Parallels session using my Boot Camp partition, together with a perfect native Boot Camp operation turned into the DanO1's type of blue screens. I was advised to run chkdsk, etc., etc, but this should not be necessary when everything works perfectly in v13! So, eventually, after a few friendly emails with support, I have deleted v14 (and my upgrade payment was immediately refunded - thanks, Parallels), reverted to v13 and it all works like a charm. A real nuisance was having to speak to Microsoft to re-activate Windows 10 for the VM, but they were very helpful, even though it's a lengthy process. I don't mind using terminal, even having to do Calaska's solution - but I can't face buying the upgrade again, it not working, and having to try and revert - and then have another session with Microsoft. For my usage, it isn't worth the trouble. What does surprise me is that Parallels obviously know there is something wrong, but don't appear to have addressed it. One really shouldn't need to go through a load of stages, including fairly complex Terminal instructions, to get things going. One is supposed to click and go..... Never mind.
  2. mgmhunt

    mgmhunt Junior Member

    Same problem. Can't get a Bootcamp partition loading, winload.exe not found. My thread here:

    Asking for some acknowledgement of this from Parallels and priority to fix. My correspondence with Parallels appears to indicate they acknowledge the existence of a fault in their software:
    29 November 2018
    "Due to the complexity of the issue, it is now investigated along with our Development Team in the internal case. They are continually working on the cases lifted by the Support Team, however, do not share an ETA required for a fix.

    It usually takes time to go into a complicated virtualization software. Yet, we will do our best to find a solution as soon as possible.

    Thank you very much for your patience and understanding. We will get back to you as soon as we have an update."
  3. JohnK24

    JohnK24 Bit poster

    See my earlier post above, from September. High Sierra has been through a couple (or so) of updates, and I'm running the latesr 10.13.6. I'm letting Mojave "settle" before upgrading to that. The other day, I thought let's see if Parallels v14 will work, so I downloaded the latest version (14.1.2 build 45479), and upgraded. To my delight, everything works perfectly. Windows (10 - 1803) did not even need reactivation!
    So, I'm leaving it for a few more days of the 14 day trial, and then repurchasing Parallels. Whether it's Apple's or Parallels' updates since September that have made the difference, I have no idea, but I suspect it is Parallels'. If the support team reads this, then "Thanks." To MalcolmH2, if you haven't tried 14.1.2, give it a go.
  4. Hi JohnK24. Nice to know that it works now. Please post again for additional queries.
  5. mgmhunt

    mgmhunt Junior Member

  6. iciconnect

    iciconnect Member

    I tried this with no success.

    Attached Files:

  7. iciconnect

    iciconnect Member

    Would this have anything to due with Apple or Microsoft placing a restriction on using the BootCamp partition for Parallels usage?
  8. BradL10

    BradL10 Bit poster

    Ran into this issue as well. On Somoma and win10 bootcamp. The way I fixed it was changing the harddrive type from NVME to IDE in the VM. I did try the earlier steps posted with changing the hdd file but that did not work. Changing the harddrive type did.

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