Virtual Network unavailable: No network adapter on Mac

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by NextThursday, Dec 11, 2015.

  1. NextThursday

    NextThursday Junior Member

    Kudos! Reinstalling OSX from Recovery Partition worked like a charm here, thanks a lot.
    Didn't know that this option just replaces all system files without changing anything else - always used Time Machine successfully with any other problem.

    Yep, found the same, thus I wondered. Only csrutil disable is available nowadays it seems.
  2. simonmason

    simonmason Member

    Hi, my technology level is a little bit lower than the other posters. I have been watching the discussion with acute interest, if not completely understanding it all. However, it appears that to solve this problem one must reinstall OSX from the Recovery Partition? For me, this is a rather extreme step on an otherwise working machine. If I were not to do this, then would I be fooling myself if I were to sit and wait for a solution to evolve through an update or something similar? Thanks.
  3. NextThursday

    NextThursday Junior Member

    Restoring OSX from Recovery Partition was my first time now. I just tried it, because I have a working time machine backup available.
    The Process takes some time (like restoring from time machine 1-3hours): Afterwards everything was the same in my system: all files, all application, all special drivers, all special tools, all configuration, everything. Just the error vanished.

    So I'd suggest, just make a regular backup and give it a try. My "technology level" is quite high and I wasted ~12 hours on other solutions because I thought this "poor mans solution" would be inferior.

    To explain the other option: SIP is System Integrity Protection. This forces your System to only allow drivers, which are certified to be good. However our problem here is that somehow certification checks are corrupted. Disabling the protection will solve the problem, however your system is unprotected then, that's why I wouldn't recommend this as a solution.
  4. Elric

    Elric Parallels Team

    I believe that some third party software have installed its kernel extension (likely for some hardware network device) to the /System/Library/Extensions/IONetworkingFamily.kext/Contents/PlugIns/ and have corrupted the signing of the IONetworkingFamily.

    My current view of the problem is the next:
    Long time ago (like in 10.6), the OSX required to install hardware network drivers to the IONetworkingFamily.kext/Contents/PlugIns/. This have changed since (as far as I remember) in OSX 10.8, but since all continued to work, that doesn't bothered drivers providers. Now OSX forbids this path for third-party network drivers.

    There are two possible solutions: a) remove the software that corrupts the IONetworkingFamily and ask that company to fix the problem or b) disable network interfaces vnic0 and vnic1 on host (this doesn't affect most customers of Parallels Desktop).

    As a workaround (a) delete the incompatible driver with the steps:
    1) start the /Applications/Utilities/Terminal and execute the command
    ls /System/Library/Extensions/IONetworkingFamily.kext/Contents/PlugIns/
    On my machine it displays the next:
    If you aren't sure what to delete, post here the output, so I could say if there are anything wrong

    For workaround (b) do the next steps:
    1) Quit the Parallels Desktop
    2) start the /Applications/Utilities/Terminal
    3) execute command "cp /Library/Preferences/Parallels/network.desktop.xml ." (without quotes)
    4) execute command "open /Applications/ network.desktop.xml" - it will open the Parallels Desktop network configuration in the editor
    5) In all sections <ParallelsAdapter> change the value of field <Enabled> to be zero and quit the TextEditor, saving the file
    6) execute in terminal command "sudo cp network.desktop.xml /Library/Preferences/Parallels/network.desktop.xml" - it will ask for the password. Please type it.
    7) try whether it fixes the problem with networking in VM
  5. simonmason

    simonmason Member

    Here is what I see when I run part a:

    AppleBCM5701Ethernet.kext AppleYukon2.kext
    AppleIntel8254XEthernet.kext IOEthernetAVBController.kext
    AppleIntelI210Ethernet.kext Intel82574L.kext
    AppleRTL815XComposite109.kext mDNSOffloadUserClient.kext
    AppleRTL815XEthernet109.kext nvenet.kext

    I tried the part b but it didn't seem to have any impact. I tried booting in shared and bridged mode. I found two entries in the file under </ParallelsAdapter>. Thanks for all of your help in trying to fix this.
  6. Elric

    Elric Parallels Team

    try to do remove the AppleRTL815XEthernet109.kext and AppleRTL815XComposite109.kext. Start the /Applications/Utilities/Terminal and execute three commands:
    cd /System/Library/Extensions/IONetworkingFamily.kext/Contents/PlugIns
    sudo rm -rf AppleRTL815XEthernet109.kext
    sudo rm -rf AppleRTL815XComposite109.kext

    then rebot the Mac and try whether this have helped
  7. simonmason

    simonmason Member

    I did this and no luck. Still no network connection. Thanks.
  8. Elric

    Elric Parallels Team

    simonmason, would you like to establish a remote session with you in order to take a look on problem more closely? The session is possible 11.00-17.UTC working days. Post me a private message with your email address if you don't mind.

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