Very Slow Startup for Parallels 5

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by rmansfield, Nov 4, 2009.

  1. soma1104

    soma1104 Bit poster

    my ID: #809534
  2. bluehalosaint

    bluehalosaint Junior Member

    Detailed Log Submission


    I have submitted a detailed log as well. My number is 810137.

    I hope you can fix this before my demo expires, the app runs great, once it starts up!

  3. Andreas Muehlemann

    Andreas Muehlemann Bit poster

    Support it ID 811444

    I have that same problem but every time I exit Parallels it is the same.

    My support id is 811444

    Best regard
  4. Rob Smithers

    Rob Smithers Bit poster

    Report ID: 812575

    Process Sample:
    Sampling process 12924 for 3 seconds with 1 millisecond of run time between samples
    Sampling completed, processing symbols...
    Analysis of sampling prl_client_app (pid 12924) every 1 millisecond
    Call graph:
    2627 Thread_1044274 DispatchQueue_1: (serial)
    2627 start
    2627 start
    2627 CQCViewWidget::inputKeys()
    2627 CQCViewWidget::inputKeys()
    2627 CQCViewWidget::inputKeys()
    2627 CQCViewWidget::inputKeys()
    2627 MDQueryExecute
    2627 _MDQueryExecute
    2627 CFRunLoopRunInMode
    2627 CFRunLoopRunSpecific
    2627 __CFRunLoopRun
    2627 mach_msg
    2627 mach_msg_trap
    2627 Thread_1044283 DispatchQueue_2: (serial)
    2627 start_wqthread
    2627 _pthread_wqthread
    2627 _dispatch_worker_thread2
    2627 _dispatch_queue_invoke
    2627 _dispatch_mgr_invoke
    2627 kevent
    2627 Thread_1044300
    2627 thread_start
    2627 _pthread_start
    2627 th_set_from_stat
    2627 0x16086e5f
    2627 th_set_from_stat
    2627 th_set_from_stat
    2627 th_set_from_stat
    2627 th_set_from_stat
    2627 th_set_from_stat
    2627 th_set_from_stat
    2627 select

    Total number in stack (recursive counted multiple, when >=5):
    7 th_set_from_stat

    Sort by top of stack, same collapsed (when >= 5):
    kevent 2627
    mach_msg_trap 2627
    Sample analysis of process 12924 written to file /dev/stdout
  5. MarcelR

    MarcelR Bit poster

    In addition to suggestion of alexg of the Parallels Team (05-11-09 07:28):

    Because my old Parallels installation also became very slow (as described here: high processor occupation, much hard disk activity) and installing v 5 (trial) led to the same results on my other machine I tried your solution. At first it seemed to help, but after a minute or less the behaviour returned.
    At last the FOLLOWING SOLUTION HELPED FOR ME on a machine running Parallels v4 build 3846 (and later 3848) and on another machine running v5:
    => not only remove unavailable aliases to network shares but also all other aliasses (at least on the desktop and its sub folders) to shares or files (especially those that are linked to (even local) files that do not exist anymore. And using the Windows Explorer also all mapped network drives in 'My Computer' and 'My Network places' (including the 'Host on_psf' and '.mac on.psf').

    - I think that was where it was all about, but - just for the information - what I also did was:
    + updated virus scanner AVG
    + in Windows via start->run->msconfig: disabled old or not required programs / services (e.g. old AVG versions)
    + and in the configuration of the Virtual Machine:
    # disconnected the floppy disk (because I don't have one)
    # increased memory from 512 to 1024 MB
  6. bluehalosaint

    bluehalosaint Junior Member

    And my magic number is...


  7. Copilot

    Copilot Member

    Mine boots up in 1 min.

    My Parallels 5 boots up in less than 1 minute. It is still about 2x slower than Parallels 4.
    Using fresh install of Parallels 5 and fresh install of XP, SP3.
  8. STim

    STim Bit poster

    Thank you for the problem report IDs! They helped very much, we finally understood what causes this slowness when starting Parallels Desktop application.

    Just several additional questions:
    1. Do you use Spotlight often on your Mac?
    2. Have you noticed Spotlight slowness in searching something on your Mac lately?
  9. jlbrach

    jlbrach Member

    honestly,i do not even know what spotlight i mentioned i had no problems with 4.0 and although 5.0 ultimately works properly it takes a long time for vista to boot up and be ready to be used....a real nusiance to say the least
  10. ManyueC

    ManyueC Bit poster

    My ID# 833219

  11. EmanueleC

    EmanueleC Bit poster

    Another brick in the wall...

    Support ID 834295

    Guys I had quite good expectations moving from VMWare and bought Parallels 5 on the spot, but I have to keep using VMWare until you can fix the issue with extremely slow startup.
  12. MarcelR

    MarcelR Bit poster

    I use Spotlight too little to be able to see a link between that and the problem

    Hello Tim,

    I use Spotlight too little to be able to see a link between that and the problem discussed here.
    (I use my macs daily and use spotlight maybe once a week. And as I said in an earlier response in my case it did help to delete ALL aliasses to old network drives and old files. But maybe Parallels can even become faster with other problems resolved. I think it should because I do not see the promissed speed increases when going from v4 to v5).

  13. Pascal Pochet

    Pascal Pochet Bit poster

    1. Yes
    2. No (and 3 HDs on this machine for a total of 3.6 Tb)
  14. stonal

    stonal Bit poster

    I do use spotlight daily, I didn'n have any problems with it.
  15. bluehalosaint

    bluehalosaint Junior Member

    Spotlight & Performance

    1. Yes I use Spotlight extensively.
    2. No, I have not experienced any performance issues with it.

  16. bluehalosaint

    bluehalosaint Junior Member

    Got it working, but its not a permanent fix.


    After my last post and reading your comments I did the following:

    1. Went into System Preferences|Spotlight|Privacy and added my entire hard drive volume (for the records its a 500Gb drive). In affect this deletes your spotlight index.

    2. Started up Parallels v5. It ran within about 10secs. Shut it down and started it up again (did this 3to4 times). It started to pop up instantly with 0 delays.

    3. Went back to System Preferences|Spotlight|Privacy and removed my volume from it.

    4. Went back to Parallels v5 and the startup sequence went back to its slow icon bouncing 4-5 minute startup.

    Spotlight is vital for me so I've left it on to reindex my drive. If you need anymore info feel free to private message me so we can set up a call. Either way I'm on borrowed time with the demo so anything I can do let me know.

    Best Regards,

  17. Paradodo

    Paradodo Bit poster

    1. Yes
    2. Yes, sometimes I use Spotlight to start a virtual machine. On good days, it finds the vm file immediately, on bad days it almost doesn't find it at all. I don't know why.

    I tried Peter's workaround to disable Spotlight, but that didn't change anything here.

    Currently, I seems like Parallels doesn't startup at all, even after 10 minutes. Very frustrating...
  18. bluehalosaint

    bluehalosaint Junior Member


    Sorry it didn't work for you.

    I tried it again and it is working for me. Unfortunately I can't shutoff spotlight permanently for Parallels. I'm hoping STim and his staff will figure something out.

  19. jlbrach

    jlbrach Member

    Please click one of the Quick Reply icons in the posts above to activate Quick Reply.
  20. jlbrach

    jlbrach Member

    i do want to emphasize that my problem isnt about getting the parallels software to open ,it is the insufferable delay i have waiting for vista to boot up and for the programs to become relatively short order in the crystal mode i see the 2 red bars but it takes forever for the vista icons to appear and vista to be i mentioned earlier i had no such problem with 4.o...for the record i did try to deal with spotlight and it made no difference at all

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