"Sticky" Ctrl/Windows Key Shortcuts?

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by MatthewW, Nov 11, 2008.

  1. nerd glasses

    nerd glasses Bit poster

    Still nothing?

    I'm having the same REALLY annoying issue... If I type too fast, applications minimize, the talking robot voice starts up, and windows logs me out. How can this be happening for so long now with NO RESPONSE from any support people??

    Anyway, I thought I'd post a reply to get this bumped again. Let's see how good their customer support is these days.
  2. fyysh

    fyysh Bit poster

    I had the same issue in v5, but mostly with ALT-key.

    Then i found out that removing the option "Optimize modifier keys for games" (in VM Configuration => Options => Services) resolved my issue.

    Hope it helps s.b.
  3. Granite

    Granite Junior Member

    thanks for the tip. trying this now, but really beginning to regret switching to parallels from fusion. sticky keys, poor mouse performance (http://forum.parallels.com/showthread.php?t=99440), outlook issues (http://forum.parallels.com/showthread.php?t=95913).

    This is by far the buggiest major release of software I've had the misfortune of buying in years.
  4. Jazzman

    Jazzman Bit poster

    Really annoying.

    Yup, me too. WIN/CMD key suddenly gets stuck down even thought it hasn't been touched and like previous posters by the time I've typed a word I've got the narrator, explorer, the run dialog and locked the session. I have to reopen session, close all the popup windows, and double click WIN/CMD to get back to work.

    Not a good sign when threads this long for problems this annoying don't get sorted...
  5. david hay

    david hay Bit poster

    Me too. Guess I'll need to check out VMWare as well...
  6. David Eedle

    David Eedle Bit poster

    I've had this problem for months on v5, I have all updates installed. And hey presto every 30 mins or so I wind up with Windows Locking, windows popping up everywhere. I've followed every suggestion, including the KB http://kb.parallels.com/4743 and STILL it happens. Incredibly frustrating that we cannot get this issue fixed, it's been around for years.
  7. Jazzman

    Jazzman Bit poster

    I've fixed this by turning off all the "Virtual Machine Shortcuts" in the main Parallels 5 preferences - no more random screw ups, but I have to remember to Ctrl C/V etc. Parallels support suggested the following solutions:

    "Go to Parallels Desktop preferences and disable key mapping for key which behaves abnormally "

    Great... there wasn't any particular key behaving abnormally, so I ended up just disabling all and that solved it. Another support tech suggested the following, which didn't help me, but might work for some:

    "1. Launch Parallels Desktop (double click on the Parallels Desktop icon).

    2. On the top menu bar, please click on "Parallels Desktop" icon => click on "Preferences".

    3. Please click on "Keyboard and Moise" => now one you are in the window, please click on "Restore Factory settings".

    4. Click OK.

    If the issue persists, then please uninstall/reinstall Parallels Tools.

    1. Launch Parallels Desktop => please start the Virtual Machine.

    2. Click on Start => Control Panel => add/remove programs => select Parallels Tools and uninstall it.

    3. Restart if prompted.

    To install:

    1. Launch Parallels Desktop => please start the Virtual Machine.

    2. On the menu bar please click on the " Virtual machine" option => click on "Install Parallels Tools".

    3. Please follow the installation steps.

    4. Restart when prompted.

    This should fix the issue."

  8. TikkanaA

    TikkanaA Junior Member

    Control or shift keys getting stuck until antoher key is pressed

    I just opened a problem report, but resolved it myself soon after sending it.

    To resolve this - goto system preferences -> Universal Access (under Personal) -> Make sure for stick keys you selected OFF.
  9. Mattijsd

    Mattijsd Bit poster

    I am having this issue with the ctrl key (in parallels 7). It seems there still is not a good solution for this. I need the "Optimize modifier keys for games" option because otherwise the modifier keys do not work properly in for example Powerpoint when you try to use ALT drag to freely place objects etc.

    I don't understand how parallels can leave this problem unresolved for years!


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