Hi gabrielbcn, I have the same problem on PD10 with WindowsXP/7. Glad to know that you can make it work. I'd like to try your solution but couldn't find the keyboard translation tables. Could you please help me out? Thank you. Cheers, Cuong
For those looking for an answer here is the one that worked for me: https://kb.parallels.com/en/122936 You map space to space. Ridiculous that I had to do this. If I hadn't found a solution, I was going to solve this by switching to VM Fusion. Ridiculous that I had to search for how to fix my spacebar. I am sure Parallels answer would have been to upgrade to the latest version.
Allow me to add my voice to the outrage. No spacebar in Parallels 10 with Windows 7! I did the key mapping trick described above. Was this glitch caused by upgrading to Sierra? Really odd that spacebar was not mapped. And really very poor of Parallels Support not to reveal the fix to legacy version users. I have started to use VirtualBox as an optional virtualization solution.
I have problems with spacebar as well (Parallels Desktop 17 for Mac Standard Edition (M1 Max) + Windows 11) When I push spacebar system suggests to open Coherence mode, but not just put a space.... I can put a space only using SHIFT+SPACE combination... This is awful Please help, how can I fix a spacebar?
I have to use Shirt+Spacebar to have spaces/spacebar. any fix on this? i have parralels desktop 17 for Mac. (macOS Monterey)
Solution: Open macOS System Preferences > Accessibility > Keyboard and uncheck "Enable Full Keyboard Access".