gregor, Use the following link: Submit a request for free e-mail support.
I lost my activation code email. Can it be resent? I also ordered the disc upgrade 4.0 but cannot register it. thanks, gregory west [email protected]
Flagg re: Lost Activation Code I have sent in a ticket and have tried to login using the instructions that were sent from Parallels - I cannot login to see what is going on with my ticket. All I want is the activation code. Can you please check it out? The Ticket has been assigned an ID of [Parallels #658810] thanks, greg [email protected]
i checked the ticket in our system, and notified the sales person. Please wait for the update on your email.
Lost Activation Code: Hello. I purchased 3.0 over the phone with a Parallels agent about a year ago. I lost my activation code, and I need it badly to get back onto my Windows through my mac. Can you please email my activation code to: [email protected] Thank you so much Dan Fabiano
Please create ticket in support and sales engineers will reply
Yes, thank you I did finally get it from NOVA DEVELOPMENT, the company that handles online CD sales for Parallels. If I had of known not to go to Parallels, but to NOVA DEVELOPMENT in the first place it would have saved a lot of back and forthing...But now I got 4.0 to work and am test driving it. So far, I like it much better than 3.0
Now I ve purchased the 4.0 Upgrade in German, since my 4.0 trial was also in German, but it appears my 3.0 was in US English, so my Permanent Activation key does not work. Can you help me please?
usk your fastest way to get something corrected is to send in a "TICKET" to Parallels at: greg
Hello, I had purchase a parallel desktop 3.0 for mac last few months ago. I forgot to copy down the activation code n had reformat my mac. I cant find my activation code, Can please email it to [email protected] thanks, NIC
Dear NicKIT, We have created a ticket in our Help Desk system with number 674962, so our Sales engineers will be able to contact you and provide with all possible assistance. Please, check the e-mail [email protected] for message from Parallels.
Hi, I recently purchased the upgrade of parallels and now it's asking for the permanent activation code that I used when I first downloaded the trial. I don't have this and I was wondering if you could send it to me. My email is [email protected]
I also need activation key John or Stacy, Apologies up front but I too have lost my activation key. I've started a ticket. I've called NOVA as instructed. I've talked to Parallels Technical. I've looked through FAQ, Knowledge Base, and Forum. I still have not been able to obtain a reissue of an activation key. It's been several days now no one is responding to my ticket thread. Any help? Tom
Lost key I bought parallels at the apple store about 1.5 years ago. I had occasional problems with it, so when there appeared something at the parallels site that looked like an update patch, I downloaded it thinking it would clean things up. That messed things up so then I tried to download an upgrade, remove the old version etc. Anyway, I cannot find anything from my original version, and I definitely purchased something. I downloaded an upgrade trial, thinking it would find my old activation code and it didn't. I went to apple store and they don't have any records, but theirs go back only 1 year. Can you tell me how to find my activation key somewhere hidden on my mac? thanks [email protected]
I bought a Parallels but I lost the activation code on the sleeve!! ;_____; I was wondering if I could somehow get it through the internet....