Please enable MacDrive 6 support

Discussion in 'Feature Suggestions' started by akadmon, Dec 9, 2006.

  1. mcqueary

    mcqueary Member

    [ text deleted -- it repeats my earlier post ]
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2006
  2. CWasko

    CWasko Bit poster

    I agree. Thanks!
  3. joem

    joem Forum Maven

    I have read the entire thread. Thanks for the insult, but my comment is still factually correct. And it's holier-than-thou if you want to spell it correctly.

    MacDrive cannot work, but MacDrive-like functionality is another matter. That can be made to work with enough development effort. The question was about MacDrive itself and that's what I was addressing.

    And I answered exactly that question, didn't I? In case I wasn't clear, MacDrive works fine now in XP under bootcamp (but not under bootcamp in Parallels which is a subject of some apparent confusion all over the forums)

    And that was enough. They fixed the problem and it works now.

    It's still a subject worthy of dropping (at least here), IMO anyway.

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