PD12 Messes Up Multiple Monitors

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by MobyR, Aug 20, 2016.

  1. CharlesR3

    CharlesR3 Junior Member

    Update on my previous post shown above.
    I requested a refund, they wanted to do a LogMeIn session to resolve, I booked the session. The guy who called me said that the only 'workaround' is separate spaces, which he accepted is not practical. Result....my refund is being processed. This may not be fixed until the next release, PD13.
  2. CraigS4

    CraigS4 Junior Member

    I'm also disappointed about Parallel's lack of support for this issue. I came to the forums today to see if PD had an update that fixes it, but apparently not. I'm also running one update behind, because of the hobbleware feature that they "enabled" in the last update that prevents a VM from using more than 4 cores or 8gb (unless you pay MORE), something that used to be freely done in previous versions of PD.

    For what it's worth, I've taken to using Coherence mode, which gives the closest representation to an actual working multidisplay workspace. (unfortunately, I put all the PC windows in space 4, and if my PC goes to lock-screen, and I unlock it, all the windows are pulled to space 1. I have to unlock it, then have to "beat the clock" in switching to space 4 before the windows pop up.)

    Maybe Coherence mode will work for some of you?
  3. glaycock

    glaycock Bit poster

    Ditto to virtually everything that has been posted regarding issues with multiple monitors. I spent a while speaking with a Parallels representative via Facebook (of all places) and was continually told that this lack of multiple-monitor support is default Mac OS behavior and by design. While that may be true (other programs also show up in only a single monitor when viewed full-screen), that's NOT the way it worked in previous versions of Parallels, and it makes using Windows on a Mac problematic. Previously, one could run Parallels (and thus Windows) full-screen across multiple monitors, making it easy to drag and pin programs (or pieces of programs) to each monitor, and each could be run maximized on its respective screen, essentially the same way you would if you were using Windows native on a PC. This appears now to be impossible, at least without using Mac monitors as separate spaces, which is not at all what I need.
  4. Teddy J

    Teddy J Bit poster

    Wow. Parallels for the win again. Sigh. It's now January 2017 and dual monitor use is useless without separate spaces enabled (which is not a solution as it's a complete cognitive mess to use).
  5. GlennE

    GlennE Bit poster

    I first reported this problem a long time ago, I am astonished Parallels have not bothered to fix the issue! This makes Paralles USELESS. I wish I could get my money back. I will most likely be switching to VMWare Fusion. I don't know what's going on at Parallels but the customer support and ability to resolve major issues seems to have vanished. WHen will this be fixed? How can I get my money and subscription fees back?
  6. KorkyPlunger

    KorkyPlunger Hunter

    Parallels has released a new version 12.1.2 (41525) with what appears to be an attempt at improving the situation with multiple external monitors and separate spaces.
    It only seems to work if switching back to the VM from a different space (i.e. if one space is switched to the Finder, and then you alt-tab back to the VM, it switches all spaces back to the VM).

    Kudos to Parallels for trying to chip away at the problem! Unfortunately this is not a solution for me, because I would like the Parallels 11 behavior of "all displays switch when changing spaces away from a VM to something else". Even with this new option enabled, only a single display changes when switching away from the VM.

    Switching back to Parallels 11 again...
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2017
  7. KorkyPlunger

    KorkyPlunger Hunter

    One thought for the Parallels team: does Parallels not receive an OS hook when a display changes spaces? Because this solution would be workable for me if the following behavior could be implemented:

    1) Whenever any VM display changes spaces to a Target Space, change all VM display spaces to Target Space (or a blank space if the Target Space is a single-display space, such as a full-screen Skype window). This would solve my main use case: switching back and forth between a multi-display VM configuration and a multi-display Finder configuration, using the OS keyboard shortcuts to change spaces.

    2) Maintain the current behavior of: Whenever any display switches back to the VM (e.g via OS keyboard shortcut to change spaces), switch all VM displays to their corresponding VM spaces
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2017
  8. Dmitry Geynisman

    Dmitry Geynisman Parallels Team

    Dear Parallels Desktop Users,

    We have released a new Parallels Desktop 12 for Mac update v12.1.2 (41525) (download link), which brings the following feature: Activating virtual machine shows all its spaces. This feature can be activated in VM configuration > Options > Full Screen.

    When this feature is enabled, and you are using a VM on multiple displays, activating VM space on any display will automatically switch other display spaces to VM ones.

    NOTE: Please make sure to enable 'Displays have separate spaces' in macOS System Preferences > Mission Control.

    For more information about this update please visit http://kb.parallels.com/123948.
  9. SreechandraD

    SreechandraD Member

    I commend the attempt at improving the issue. I agree with above comments that should be implemented for not only switching to a VM but also switching away from a VM.

    In addition, I'm still need better mouse pointer focus handling when hovering between monitors within the VM. When I move my mouse from Monitor 1 to Monitor 2, the mouse pointer becomes black. I cannot hover windows in Monitor 2 and scroll. I am forced to click within Monitor 2 somewhere before scrolling works. This is a major shortcoming compared to using Windows in bootcamp or even in PD11.

    Please work on this issue next.

  10. GlennE

    GlennE Bit poster

    I do not commend the attempt, things used to work and after P12 they do not, Apple did not change anything that is impacting Parallels, since I can roll back to 11, which causes all sorts of other issues, but at least dual displays work. SO WTF why can't Parallels fix the problem they broke? This has been going on for over a year since my first ticket, which was closed and called resolved, again huh? No one in our Fortune 500 company uses "displays have separate workspaces" and maybe I'm getting confused but I thought the prior "fix" was to make sure that was off? The lack of any clear communication about the problem and path to a real fix is also very troubling - Parallels please fix this issue.
  11. GlennE

    GlennE Bit poster

    We just tried the proposed "fix" in our user testing lab and it is completely unacceptable. Users lose the normal functionality of their dual monitor Macs, a workflow that in our large organization doesn't cut it. Also, the right display continues to show Parallel's VM machine's right display, which completely breaks any user's normal workflow. Why can't the functionality of P11 be provided?
  12. NicholasC1

    NicholasC1 Junior Member

    I was pretty excited to see at least a mention of some sort of dual external monitor fix for PD12, but as mentioned above by others, I see no difference... I'm not even sure how this new "fix" and checkbox is in any way beneficial? Anyway ... still very broken.
  13. KeithSav

    KeithSav Bit poster

    Yup, just tried update. No fix here.
  14. JanVis

    JanVis Junior Member

    Separate spaces is unworkable for me. I'm using Coherence which has it's own quirks but using both macOS and Windows is workable for me now. Still hoping for a better solution.
  15. michaelborland

    michaelborland Bit poster

    This is really sad news. I'm lucky that we are moving to VDI and the VMware Horizon Client handles multiple monitors like PD11, so I don't use my Win7 VM as my primary anymore. I'll stick with PD11 (which is working fine for me) until it's no longer supported. If they don't fix, I may have to leave Parallels. I've been a customer since PD5. Best of luck to everyone.
  16. CraigS4

    CraigS4 Junior Member

    I tried separate spaces, but it completely negates my workflow, because, well, it's insane.
    I won't be trying "Parallels Desktop 12 for Mac update v12.1.2 (41525)" with this partial workaround (I can't bring myself to call it a fix), mainly because I assume that the update will also enable the crippleware feature of stepping users back to only using 4 cores and 8 gigs of memory... unless they cough up more money. Fixing the monitor issue CORRECTLY (i.e. how it worked in PD11) may convince me to accept the processor/memory limitation.
    dife likes this.
  17. CodyG1

    CodyG1 Bit poster


    Hey, Stefan

    Does it works only with Macs? Cause I've got Acer Predator X34 on Windows 10 of course. would it work?)
  18. MobyR

    MobyR Bit poster

    OP here again.

    My annual subscription expires in March so I'm now researching the pure bootcamp route since I spend most of my time in Windows anyway.
  19. MattJ2

    MattJ2 Member

    I don't understand why they blame this on Apple saying it's the way fullscreen apps work. I really feel like this is what they said when PD11 came out. This same problem existed for a short time before it was fixed.
    Parallels Team- PD11 works fine with multiple displays on Mac OS Sierra. You can make it work in PD12 too!

    I've rolled my software back to PD11 until I hear others have this working. This is my business computer- can't have this issue slow me down...
  20. SladeE

    SladeE Bit poster

    Well, the drama continues. Excited about the update that "fixes" the issue, I eagerly installed. After some tinkering, while the update seemed to improve the behavior, it certainly did not restore it to the way it was in PD11. By that point I just decided I was going to live with it until I find the time to completely remove PD from my environment. Then, yesterday I shut down my Mac and drove to the office. All worked fine from the office with just a single monitor, as expected. When I returned home though, a completely new nightmare began:

    First, I plugged my secondary monitor in to the Mac and powered up the Mac. Instead of a Windows login screen, I got a black screen with the spinning color wheel, indicating PD has frozen. Sure enough, the Mac reported PD wasn't responding. Not only was it not responding, but it forced me to completely power off the Mac rather than shut it down. I tried this cycle 3 times and each time I launched PD with my secondary display plugged in, PD would freeze and I would have to shut the Mac down manually.

    I then unplugged my secondary display and my Win10 OS was once again usable. Oh great, I'll just plug in my secondary display now and all will be back to the way it was yesterday. NOPE. Now, when I attach my secondary display, I get the PD window where it asks if you are going to use your secondary display for a presentation. Here's the kicker. It doesn't ask and stop asking, it actually goes in to an infinite loop where it does nothing but ask me whether or not I'm presenting, mirroring, etc. I can't even actually SELECT a choice. It just infinitely loops and I have absolutely no control over PD when it does this. I end up having to power off my Mac, unplug my secondary display and I'm once again stuck with no external displays.

    I guess at this point I really just need to downgrade back to PD11 and wait it out until I get my next laptop, which isn't even going to be a Mac at this point. I'm done with this. I've never downgraded so I don't know the process--something else I have to figure out, I guess. This software is an absolute disaster. If you want to be heard, I'm not sure these forums are a good use of your time. Instead, get away from this garbage. Stop buying it, stop using it. Let other communities (Reddit, Facebook, whatever) know that these guys clearly don't get it.
    MattJ2 likes this.

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