SOLVED -- with caveat; I do not know the full impact of making this change.
In my case, I run regular scheduled tasks, and I can track the Task Scheduler operation up to a point at which an Office update kicked in (which changed and ???). After that, the task scheduler no longer logged to the system event logs. The last entry was changing maintenance state to 3. It appears the task scheduler was put into maintenance mode and left in that state. That causes the task scheduler to fail which causes all kinds of background services to stop working.
1 is this your problem? Control panel> System and Security > Security and Maintenance > expand Maintenance section > Automatic maintenance shows "maintenance in progress" and you can't "Stop maintenance".
2. hack: use regedit to change maintenance state to 0 (I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT THIS COULD DO OR IF THIS IS THE "RIGHT" VALUE):
Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Schedule\Maintenance\State > ReportedState changed from 3 to 0
Reboot VM...and everything seems to be back in normal operational state. WOULD LOVE IT is someone 'in the know' could tell me if this was a bad thing to do

Good luck!
UPDATE: 2017-08-21 This fix does not solve everything. I have noticed, among other things, that the date/time does not automatically update when coming out of suspend. Be wary of odd behaviour...
UPDATE: 2017-09-05 Turns out I forgot to UNDO the changes to create a clean boot, so all the third party services were not starting up. Fixed that and everything seems to be back to normal now.
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