Pasting images from clipboard to win7 client results in black image

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by trebormik, Nov 1, 2013.

  1. trebormik

    trebormik Bit poster

    Using Mavericks 10.9 and Parallels 9.0.23140.

    Steps to reproduce:
    1. [cmd]+[ctrl]+[shift]+[4] and select region to take a screenshot on Mac
    2. go to win7 vm and paste into any app
    3. only a black image will be pasted

    Used to work fine in Parallels 8.
  2. William Fulmer

    William Fulmer Junior Member

    Same exact issue here.

    Mavericks 10.9 and Parallels 9.0.23140.

    Big black square

    Attached image shows something I am pasting into Outlook 2010.

    Screen Shot 2013-11-05 at 8.43.48 PM.png
  3. DenisO

    DenisO Parallels Developers

    In this case doesn't determined the change clipboard. You need just activate any host application (Finder, for example) and then VM again.
  4. pveller

    pveller Bit poster

    Didn't help. Image comes back as a black rectangle (of the right size) to Win7. Tried pasting into different apps - the same. Black rectangle. Worked in Parallels 8.
  5. AKPilot

    AKPilot Bit poster

    I have the same issue. If I copy any image from the Mac then paste it into any documents, emails on the PC, even into Skype which previously worked, I get a black square. I've had no previous problem with this method until a week ago. I can't recall any updates to my system that may have caused this to change. Parallels 9.0.23350, Windows 7 Pro SP1, OSX 10.9
  6. MikePN

    MikePN Bit poster

    I have the same issue pasting images into the VM

    parallels 9.0.23350 windows XP SP3
    worked fine for years until upgrade to parallels 9 / Maverick.
  7. nashmarkt

    nashmarkt Junior Member

    Same here: With limited support from Parallels what is the alternative here. Switch to another VM provider?
  8. MikePN

    MikePN Bit poster

    I spoke to tech support last night on Skype. very helpful and knowledgeable.
    this is a known problem which has been reported 6 times. I was offered a workaround - save to a file to mac and attach the file to my email.
    I replied this would not suit my purpose and I needed a fix. The problem was then escalated to development with a ticket number of 32044194
    i suggest anyone with this problem click on 'help,report a problem' in parallels and add yourself to this ticket. i.e. just say you have the same problem pasting an image from mac into windows. This will help raise the urgency I assume.
  9. comenacatapulta

    comenacatapulta Bit poster

    Same problem for me :(
    no yet solution?
  10. MikePN

    MikePN Bit poster

    fixed now for me

    the latest update (rev 951362 - 3rd dec 2013) fixed it for me, but it is still a bit flakey in that sometimes I have to copy things 3 or 4 times before they will paste into XP.
  11. BjørnW

    BjørnW Bit poster

    Clipboard images are garbled

    I get a similar issue.

    Clipboard images are severely garbled when pasting to Office with the new Parallels on Maverics.

    I have to save to disk then load again in Office to get it to work. Annoying.

  12. nashmarkt

    nashmarkt Junior Member

    XP? are you serious? You expect anything to work in XP? I like to be fair but at this point you need to upgrade to a decent version of Windows (like 7).
    Now seriously, I had my problem resolved with the latest Parallels 8 update. I only saw it once recently where the pasted screen capture was all black. I restarted my Windows vm and it worked again. So it is sometimes buggy.
  13. nashmarkt

    nashmarkt Junior Member

    when you say "Garbled" it is very unclear what is going on. Could you be a bit more specific?
  14. BjørnW

    BjørnW Bit poster

    Here's an example, pasted from clipboard to Mac Office Word and then to Windows Office Word running under Parallells.

    Mac Office handles paste without problems:

    Pasting to Parallells however garbles the whole image:

    Never seen anything like it. Very strange.
  15. nashmarkt

    nashmarkt Junior Member

    Have you uninstalled and reinstalled the Parallels tools?
  16. BjørnW

    BjørnW Bit poster

    Yes, just upgraded from previous version and reinstalled Parallells Tools.

    However, I'm on a new Mac. Used Apples Migration Assistant to move everything from my previous laptop.

    Seemed a little shaky with Parallels, and I had to manually go in and copy my Windows image once more to make it work properly.

    Maybe a reinstall or repair is called for? How should I proceed?

  17. nashmarkt

    nashmarkt Junior Member

    Did you try uninstall and reinstall of Parallels Tools yet?
  18. BDatSony

    BDatSony Bit poster

    I have the same issue. I've submitted a help ticket. My details (for those who are interested)

    Parallels Desktop version 9.0.24172.951362
    Host: Apple Mac OS X 10.9.1 (13B42) "Mavericks" running on 15-inch Mid 2012 MacBook Pro. (2.6 GHz Intel Core i7, 16 GB RAM)
    Guest: Microsoft Windows 7 Enterprise, 64-bit.

    To reproduce:
    1) With Finder active, press Command+Shift+4. Click and drag area of the screen.
    2) Activate Outlook email window, press Command+v.

    In some cases, usually after a long sleep or a long period of inactivity, the steps above will paste a black square equal to the size of the image on the Mac clipboard.

    Suspending the Guest, closing Parallels and then launching the Guest again will correct the error. Restarting the Guest is not necessary.

  19. flakshack

    flakshack Member

    I've been having this problem on Parallels 8 and was hoping an upgrade to version 9 would fix it. Problem happens on all VMs, Windows XP, 7 and 8.

    I took a screenshot on the Mac and pasted into Windows:

    Parallels Desktop.png
  20. flakshack

    flakshack Member

    Here's another screenshot: Parallels Desktop.png

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