Parallels Team: Plz make a cube transition to Full Screen in shipping version!

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop for Mac' started by oxonian, Apr 19, 2006.

  1. organik

    organik Member

    How do you switch screens with virtue when the VM has the keyboard? Do you have to release the mouse and keyboard first, or is there another way? And in fullscreen, the screen edge thing with virtue obviously doesn't work.
  2. Pale Rider

    Pale Rider Junior Member

    Yeah, full screen doesn't work for me on my MBP and ACD 23, but keyboard controls following the instructions supplied at the link on Virtue's site seems to be the ticket.
  3. Richard Hunter

    Richard Hunter Member

    Wow. Amazing. You guys are soooo responsive. I'm telling you... you are winning the key to our hearts...

    and our wallets ;)
  4. boardwalk2

    boardwalk2 Bit poster

    Open Parallel VM in a Virtue Desktop

    Not sure if this has been discussed in other threads. Is it possible to open a Parallel VM on a specific Virtue Desktop? I would like to have a setting in Parallels to do this?

    Or is there another way to do this in Virtue to move a Window from a specific application from one desktop to another?
  5. mithras

    mithras Junior Member

    boardwalk, you can use the Window inspector in Virtue (default command-option-O, I think) to send a window to a specific desktop. To have different instances dedicated to different desktops, I think you'd probably have to make a copy of -- I haven't tried it but imagine it'd work.
  6. boardwalk2

    boardwalk2 Bit poster

  7. DanM

    DanM Bit poster

    How about Windows as the next "Classic"

    Slick desktop switching with Virtue rocks, but what I'd really like to see is seamless integration of Windows into OS X, something like this screenshot:


    The latest CVS just recently merged in seamless windows, making this possible using RDP. Seamless windows or fullscreen, it compiles cleanly with Xcode if anyone's looking for an x86-native RDP client.

    Windows as the next-gen "Classic" for Intel Macs is quite the interesting concept.

  8. drtimhill

    drtimhill Member

    Well, if you really want this, start XP in a Parellels VM, then minimize the VM window, then connect to the VM from an RDP session. Voila! Integrated seamless Windows and Mac OS X running on the same deskop on the same computer.:)

  9. DanM

    DanM Bit poster

    No, that's not the definition of a "seamless window". What you're referring to there is a straightfoward RDP session. Up to a couple of weeks ago there was no way to do seamless windows with RDP. The idea is to not have a Windows desktop at all, but to just call the apps from OS X and let the Mac deal with the window management instead... just like in Classic where the apps appear but there's no OS 9 desktop underneath.

    Ideally with seamless windows it would be nice to implement Start Menu Integration into the Dock. Microsoft's Virtual PC product for PPC already has Start Menu integration come to think of it...

  10. ciparis

    ciparis Junior Member

    One problem I've found: on a two display system, both screens flip. Ideally it should just be one (preferably the one the app is open on, or the second screen by default, or via some preference setting).
  11. drtimhill

    drtimhill Member

    I should have been more clear. I was assuming the newer RDP stuff whereby you can integrate the RDP application windows into the native OS. In this case you would get closer to the integrated feel than anything PW currently has to offer.

  12. rvanderveer

    rvanderveer Bit poster

    I *think* I understand what you're asking for (the ability to treat Windows programs just like an ordinary Mac program, and able to inter-mix Mac and Windows windows).

    However, this is really WAAAY out of scope of what Parallels does. Parallels sets up a virtual machine, so that anything running on top of the VM *thinks* it's running directly on top of hardware. You get, in effect, a full working computer running within the Mac.

    What you want, is something like what WINE for Linux does (check out WINE reverse-engineers the core API's of the Windows system, so that the Windows program itself (such as office) has everything it needs to function.

    If WINE ever gets ported to Mac, this could be a very good thing for many users, as it might be all they ever need (for example, to be able to run Outlook in Exchange-mode). However, this doesn't fill the niche that Parallels (and VMware on Windows) fills, and would never replace Parallels. WINE is *always* in the position of playing "catch-up" and constantly reverse-engineering, and constantly fixing bugs (such as when an API isn't emulated correctly). If you look, they have a list of "compatible" software (i.e. not ALL windows programs will run on top of WINE).
  13. Kypt

    Kypt Bit poster

    It IS getting ported to the mac and sinccne the intel switch they've been going full blast w/ development process. Check DarWINE out :)
  14. drtimhill

    drtimhill Member

    Actually, I wasn't asking for this, and I would rate this a low priority feature compared to (say) VM stability and performance or even better OpenGL support. I'm more than happy to flip screens between VM sessions.

  15. wailqill

    wailqill Bit poster

    Settings to accomplish cube-effect

    I've tried to accomplish the cube-transition between fullscreen XP on a virtual desktop with Virtue Desktops. But when I'm in fullscreen XP and hotkey to another desktop, the fullscreen goes away, and XP is windowed again, and the transition fails.

    So my question is, for you who have the setup on the screenshot, what settings should be used to accomplish it? I don't really know it it's Virtue, Parallels or both apps settings that are faulty.

  16. VTMac

    VTMac Pro

    It sounds like you are using RC1. This was a bug in RC1 that was fixed in RC2. Try RC2 an everything should work fine.

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