Burke, thanks a lot for the Ubuntu image. I had already been experimenting with Ubuntu, but your stuff has given me a big step up in the learning curve. I am using a MacMini running Azureus and currently uploading to others at 40kB/sec. Thanks again.
Hey I enjoy it. When I do get done on the other two I'm working on, I will just update the main post in this thread with them. So your using this image on a mini? It works good (rez and all) ? I don't have any feedback from any users really - altough I assume all is ok - since there are hundreds of downloads and no coplaints. I'd like to say "works on Macbook Pro" as well etc. But I have no way of knowing. I'd like feedback though. Any other systems other than Macbooks etc. Complaints are fine too - I don't care. Burke~
Burke, Again thanks for doing this... But I still cannot start the torrent for the Ubuntu image. I got the XUbuntu and BackTrack just fine. But I cannot get the Ubuntu to start. Every time I download the file and then drag it onto BitTorrent I get an error: Invalid path .DS_Store (or something similar) What am I doing wrong? Mark
What is interesting about that is, I did accedently leave the junk hidden files on the first one I did (Ubuntu). These were .DS_Store files. However, many people are downloading Ubuntu Image. I know when I use Utorrent - I get the option of unchecking items from the torrent (like dstore, readme etc) that I don't want. Try a diffrnt torrent client. I don't know why it dosnt like the hidden files.
Edit: I should have said, I installed the Ubuntu image. I haven't done the other two yet. 17" iMac, 2GB RAM, works fine. Just as responsive as I've come to expect Linux to be in Parallels (compared to on my Dell machine at work) I suppose I should put copies of Fedora Core 3, 4 and 5, and Debian Sarge images on a torrent sometime, but that's four different images and would take an age to seed.
Consider uploading all images to GigaSize.com. They ENCOURAGE you to give out links and others to download, and you earn points as well. Check them out. 5 GB space, I believe. Marvin
Added #5. Fedora. I didn't really want to get into the "large" distro's. But FC5 just works wonderfully.
Ok, I'm an idiot - having downloaded and uncompressed the Xubuntu distro, I deleted the info file before reading it - and I don't want to download the whole torrent again just to get it. Any hints on the username/password? (or can somebody post the info file?) Thanks, Blaise P.S. BTW, the Ubuntu distro works very nicely (so far) on the MBP - to allow the 1440x900 resolution, just do three things: 1) Edit the VM and add a custom video resolution of 1440x900 (there is already a custom resolution of 1280x800). 2) In Ubuntu, edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf (as root - sudo vi, for example). Search for: "1280x800" (NB: INCLUDING the quotes), and replace every instance with: "1440x900" "1280x800" 3) Reboot the VM. Voila!
tried downloading. no luck no seeds so i couldn't download. could you post the changes you made in ubuntu to use it specifically for the macbook? thanx.
There are defiantly seeds because I am downloading it right now! However this is my second time because when unarchiving my first one it use to freeze right at the end, is there anyway I can try and fix this?
Images not quite ready... I am having trouble using any of the images. When trying to download via the torrent file, my bittorrent client complains about the torrent file. Something about .DS_Store or something. Would it be possible to create torrent files that works with most bittorrent clients? I've done my share of bittorrent downloading, and this is the first time it does not accept the torrent file I've fed it. Secondly, I managed to download the Ubuntu image directly (using http) from: http://www.swieckiblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2006/Ubuntu6.06.zip When I try to unzip that file, the zip program (on linux) complains about not being a valid zip file, and the zip extractor on the Mac never completes (seems to hang around 98% or something). So it seems something is up with the zip file as well. So two out of two tries failed. I would bet I am not the only one. Is there anyway to redo the torrent and the zip file so it becomes "more compliant"? Thanks, Marius K.
Yeah that is what happened to be, it hanged on 98%, however I am hoping someone can paste there config so I can get 1280x800 resolution.
That DL zip file - is not done correctly (I don't know who he is) Even if everybody stopped, there will always be at least one seed. You are the second to say there are issues with the D_Store in Ubuntu - yet there are 100's using it. Use a diffrnt torrent client.
Torrent file problem and Network Setup I have the same problem with BitTorrent for mac. It complained about these . files. However, both Azureus and Transmission worked well. The downloaded zip can be unzippd smoothly. Everything looks very cool. Thanks Burke !! I have a question about the network setup. Does parallels handle network connection for ubuntu? The ubuntu on my macbook cannot connect to the internet. Any ideas? Thanks!