Windows XP Activation not solved with build 3150, please help!
Hello folks !
I just installed yesterday the build 3150. I had a OEM Version of Windows on my bootcamp partition.
Once Parallels was opened using bootcamp, I had a "Windows need to be reactivated within the next 3 days" message box. I told myself that I was logic, because it was an OEM version.
So I get a brand new XP2 Home Edition full version software ($200!) that can be (normally installed several times before needed to be reset), installed it on my bootcamp partition and activate it. I went back to Mac OS X, reinstalled Parallels and discover that I have the same message box
... Questions:
I read that this activation problem was solved in build 3150. What's happening?
I read several posts about the problem but no really a solution (at least one working). I tried to change the MAC address in the Parallels VM, doesn't solve the problem and I can't use Internet in Mac OS after the mod.
I think my mistake was that I activated Windows in bootcamp and not in Parallels first. So now, I don't have the problem of reactivation in bootcamp but only in Parallels. Somebody also write that I can call Microsoft and ask them to reset my activation. If I do that in Parallels, will I be able to use the bootcamp version as well? Or I will "invert" the problem?
Thanks in advance for your help in this matter!
I'm replying to myself hoping that I will find the solution to my problem...
Yesterday, when I installed b 3150, I did it a first time with my OEM version of Windows on bootcamp. After that, I uninstalled it, installed Windows and reinstaled Parallels. I think in between in cleaned all the preferences files for Parallels.
Maybe not, and Parallels still think that my OEM version is there. Does somebody knows where this information can be stored? Which preference file I forgot to delete?
I would really enjoy Windows in this new version of Parallels for more thant 3 days
Thanks again for you potential help!
Last edited: Feb 13, 2007