Parallels Desktop for Mac build 3094 Beta 2 is available for download.

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop for Mac' started by STim, Dec 21, 2006.

  1. koreth

    koreth Junior Member

    Didn't make any difference -- did exactly as described and Coherence mode still gives me a big black area on my main screen (the bottom of which is at the same vertical position as the bottom of my second screen) and no Windows apps in sight.
  2. Donathius

    Donathius Bit poster

    This worked awesome for me! When I would try to start Coherence mode the it wouldn't do anything, and then the VM (running off my Boot Camp partition) wouldn't respond to the keyboard (except for the windows, alt, and control keys), and whenever I clicked anywhere it would run a right-click action instead of left-click.

    After doing what wreck said to do it works great!
  3. yesno

    yesno Bit poster

    Okay, and now Parallels keeps telling me to turn off internet sharing, but internet sharing is not on. Whatever this new Beta did it right and truly hosed my network settings.

    edit: I totally trashed every network related plist in OS X, uninstalled Parallels, tried to make sure no trace of it was left. Started over; reinstalled Parallels. Lots of rebooting. STILL NOTHING. New, weird stuff happens each time. Resolution changing no longer works. Mouse drift. I am begining to fear that there is no solution; that Parallels has just utterly hosed my machine.
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2006
  4. divi996tt

    divi996tt Junior Member

    My Gosh, it works !!!!!!! Excellent !!!! Thanks Parallels !!!!
    No issues at all !!!!!! Everything works as advertised. Happy at last.
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2006
  5. technocoy

    technocoy Bit poster

    Any word on the Blue Screen of Death Issue?

    MacPro 2.66
    3GB RAM
    4 Hard Drives no partitions and Windows in on a dedicated drive in bay 4

    I uninstalled parallels tools but I still get the selestion of parallels configuration or WindowsXP and then it gives me the BSOD

    /dev/disk1s2 on / (local, journaled)
    devfs on /dev (local)
    fdesc on /dev (union)
    <volfs> on /.vol
    /dev/disk2s2 on /Volumes/Backup (local, journaled)
    /dev/disk0s2 on /Volumes/Work (local, journaled)
    automount -nsl [143] on /Network (automounted)
    automount -fstab [147] on /automount/Servers (automounted)
    automount -static [147] on /automount/static (automounted)
    /dev/disk5s3 on /Volumes/holt’s iPod (local, nodev, nosuid, journaled)
    /dev/disk4s2 on /Volumes/R6VEGAS (local, nodev, nosuid, read-only)
    /dev/disk3s2 on /Volumes/Untitled (local, read-only)
  6. darreln

    darreln Member

    Definitely a great improvement.

    I am wondering, I have difficulties when my MBP sleeps while Parallels is open. It has difficulty waking, and Parallels seems frozen. I am running Win Vista Ultimate. I had to switch between window, full screen and coherence mode a few times to get vista to "wake up" again :)

    Another issue I have seen when running in Coherence mode is that there are parts and pieces of the Vista desktop that don't get hidden and they stay on the Mac desktop. Sorta unsightly, but nothing serious.
  7. Cheezmo

    Cheezmo Bit poster

    CA Anti-Virus problem

    I just did everything from scratch for the new Beta, most everything is fine.

    But, I installed CA Anti-Virus while running under Parallels, then when I ran under Boot Camp, it said it was disabled, and got some kind of error when I tried to enable it. I reinstalled it under Boot Camp, and now when running under Parallels, it again is disabled and can't be reenabled without reinstallation.
  8. vrSamurai

    vrSamurai Bit poster

    I am confused. Page 172 of the user guide that was released with Build 3094 states:

    "To use Boot Camp Windows installation in a virtual machine you have to install Parallels Tools
    for Boot Camp on it. Parallels Tools and Parallels Tools for Boot Camp will not interfere with
    the system when you boot into it via Boot Camp. "

    So...should I remove the Parallels Tools that I installed on my BootCamp parition that I installed when running XP natively (back in the previous beta build)?

  9. jkt

    jkt Bit poster

    Parallels on Mac partition

    Have been able to get Parallels to work well with XP on the Boot Camp partition, which is excellent. However, when attempting to see how it works with XP on the Mac side, I get as far as a message saying Parallels Tools needs to be updated (which is expected) and the Mac spinning color wheel - it stays in that color wheel cursor mode for as long as I like to wait and am obliged to force quit to get control again.
    Any ideas, thanks.
  10. yesno

    yesno Bit poster

    Parallels has now entirely hosed my XP partition. It can't boot in Boot Camp or the VM, and OS X can't see it. At no point did I do anything other than boot, and shut down normally. This is a very buggy version, much worse than the last beta.
  11. don montalvo

    don montalvo Hunter

    3094b2 bug...only cosmetical (screenshot#1)

    nice to have coherence back! :) i noticed a few minor bugs. first, if youdrag a window across the screen, you get the green (+) icon. nothing is actually copied, but it makes you stop to second guess things for a sec. i'm used to it but thought i'd point it out.

    see attached screenshot


    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Dec 21, 2006
  12. collinong

    collinong Junior Member

    very simple question for the devs

    with all the problems with parallels not detecting boot camp partitions and windows installed on separate hard disks, why not just have a drive selection dialog and let the user pick a mounted drive?

    if it's for simplicity sake to try to auto-detect it for the user, then its counter-productive because it is making it harder to get it working when a manually selected drive should work.

    if there's a technical reason, please share if you can or at least tell us there is a reason but you can't share it.

  13. BladeRunner

    BladeRunner Junior Member

    VERY impressed! - Results 3 to 4 houres in.

    I upgraded from 3036 to 3094 earlier today. I ran the 3036 uninstall first and then ran the 3094 install. When I started Parallels my registration was still recognized and so was the inventory of VM systems.

    My system has 3.0Ghz Pent 4 proc with HT Technology (2 threads) and 2.0Gb Ram. I am currently running WinXP-Pro with 636Mb ram and Ubunto-6.1 with 512 Mb ram on Mac OS X 10.4.8. The Ubuntu system is currently downloading about 35 application updates and the WinXP system is running FireFox browser retrieving some web pages - and I am writing this post.

    If I activate the DashBoard with an iStat-Pro widget it shows the system is running both threads at about max capacity. The total CPU is running about 95%. Still, the performance is quite reasonable. If I switch OS X desktops sometimes the Cube rotation shows a very slight delay.

    Still, NOT Bad!

    So far, everything I have tried is working great. The only thing I wish I could figure out is how to stop the WinXP apps from showing in the OS X Doc :(
  14. Robster

    Robster Hunter



    EXACTLY the same thing has happened to me except I cannot find my copy of the 3036 installer so I cannot go backwards.


  15. pmagruder

    pmagruder Bit poster

    Unable to get boot camp volume to boot in parallels .. both the previous and the current (3094) beta give me the same error inside the virtual machine:

    Booting from hard disk ... Error loading operating system

    Given it's unmounting the disk properly before booting the VM, and that when I fiddle with the IDE chain it gives me a whole bunch of different errors (the kind you'd expect when it doesn't find a disk at all) .. I'm pretty sure it's finding the disk properly. Just not the OS :(

    This is a fully functioning boot camp disk.

    To answer your specifics:

    - How many HDDs does your Mac have?

    2 x 500g disks

    - Where is your Boot Camp partition located?

    2nd hard disk (all by itself) .. NTFS formatted

    - What is the OS installed on Boot Camp exact name and version? Is it 64-bit one or 32-bit one?

    Windows XP Professional, 32 bit

    - open Terminal, issue the "mount" command and post its output here please

    /dev/disk1s2 on / (local, journaled)
    devfs on /dev (local)
    fdesc on /dev (union)
    <volfs> on /.vol
    automount -nsl [167] on /Network (automounted)
    automount -fstab [194] on /automount/Servers (automounted)
    automount -static [194] on /automount/static (automounted)
    /dev/disk0s2 on /Volumes/Untitled (local, read-only)
    /dev/disk2s0 on /Volumes/disk2 (local, nodev, nosuid, read-only)

    If it matters, here's the rest of the configuration:

    Mac Pro, 2.66ghz
    2g ram
    ATI X1900 video card
    24" cinema display (this was an issue for a while with boot camp until the mac pros got a firmware upgrade about a month ago)
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2006
  16. don montalvo

    don montalvo Hunter

    3094b2 bug...only cosmetical (screenshot#2)

    here's the second bug i found (others have mentioned i think). if i have coherence on, i can use both monitors, but the start menu extends beyond one screen onto the second. obviously this is a problem since is tagger my monitors.

    see attached screenshot


    Attached Files:

  17. manfredell

    manfredell Hunter


    I have a Palm Treo 650 smartphone. Latest Palm software installed in the VM under XP. Hotsync manager configured to synch over usb.

    Works fine in all versions until 1970. Stopped working with latest 2 betas.
  18. manfredell

    manfredell Hunter

    Palm hotsynch name is Manfred Ell
  19. whitllam

    whitllam Bit poster

    I have to chime in here...up until this point, I've been firmly on the side of Boot Camp, as I run some fairly processor-intensive apps (Rhino 3D, AutoCAD, etc.), but now after installing build 3094, I'm finally to the point where I can run these apps via Parallels for smaller tasks without having to completely reboot. I had installed some of the previous betas with very limited success, as I couldn't get it to read my FAT 32 formatted Boot Camp drive, but this release seems super snappy.

    A great big thank you to the dev team and beta testers who have made this a great product!

    [email protected] Junior Member

    Problem with multiple os x users and parallels/bootcamp

    I have two OS X user accounts. One is administrator, the other user.

    I installed parallels 3094 beta 2 under the admin account.

    Whenever I try to run the VM for the user account I am asked to verify with an Administrator Acccount to allow modification of the Parallels Desktop.

    Any ideas on how to resolve this?



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