Parallels Desktop for Mac build 3094 Beta 2 is available for download.

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop for Mac' started by STim, Dec 21, 2006.

  1. AlanH

    AlanH Pro

    I'm not sure what the problem is.

    Running 3094 on a Mac Pro with 2 17" tft screens here. I can start up an XP SP2 VM and move the window to the second screen and drag it to fill that screen, then switch to Coherence. The task bar drops to the bottom of the secondary screen, the XP windows sit on that screen, I can move them anywhere on that screen, and it all works fine for me. I can't move XP windows onto the primary screen, but I don't need to. XP is a painful secondary environment for me, and having it contained on one screen is just fine.

    I have tried enabling multiple displays in Coherence options as an experiment, and that lets XP windows move anywhere on the two screens, but I don't like the task bar spanning both screens.
  2. appleguru

    appleguru Bit poster

    Bluetooth dissappeared...

    After installing parallels using my bootcamp partition and installing the parallels tools.. bluetooth support disappeared, even when booting to windows natively. Apple's bluetooth device still shows up.. but the control panel is gone and I can't access any devices.. any ideas?
  3. AJ101

    AJ101 Bit poster

  4. billaquino

    billaquino Junior Member

    I liked new features in 3094, particularly the public folder switch on the menu bar. Had to re-activate my Windows. The reactivation screen contained "?" objects that obscured one of the code numbers...Microsoft help desk actually helped figure out the missing number and proceeded with activation.

    Palm TX would not establish a connection with Windows PC. Attempted toggling autoconnect on/off...and the other sudo command from a previous success.

    Reverted back to 1970 to regain Palm sync functionality.

    Palm device is a Palm T|X, Palm Desktop/Hot Sync v4.1.0420. Normally sync with Franklin Covey PlanPlus for Windows XP v5.

    Windows XP Home SP2 with latest patches.

    MacBook Pro 2.16 CoreDuo, 2GB RAM, OS X v10.4.8
  5. Swift2001

    Swift2001 Member

    I have the same problem

    I have the same problem with physically booting up into my Boot Camp volume. I get to the login screen, and the mouse is frozen so I can't click on my user name, but the VM works fine.

    I'm using an ntfs, er, whatever, the other kind of volume from Fat32. I installed Parallels Tools for Boot Camp with the previous Beta, and I forgot to uninstall for 3094.

    I'm also on an ioGear KVM switch, G5 and Intel Mac mini (with BootCamp), single monitor. I sure would like to figure out how to fix it. Booting into Safe Mode doesn't fix it. Also tried, "last successful config," Safe boot with networking, always the same. Sometimes I get an Administrator pref that I can't click as well as my user name.
  6. Swift2001

    Swift2001 Member

    Doesn't work with Vista.
  7. mcqueary

    mcqueary Member

    MacDrive silently does not function inside the Parallels VM (no errors or other issues). That should be no problem, since you can use Parallels shared folders from inside the VM to access Mac folders.
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2006
  8. jasonmark

    jasonmark Bit poster

    2 GB VM HD Partitioning?

    Are there plans to include the ability to split the virtual hard disk into 2GB chunks as with the VMWare products? I try to run my VMs from an external HDD to improve performance however because I have to be able to access that drive from a PC as well, have it formatted in FAT32 and so once my VM grows beyond 4GB, it is history. If this functionality already exists please educate me -- but I haven't been able to find it.

  9. wrathpanda

    wrathpanda Bit poster

    +1. Same problem here.
  10. sfuller

    sfuller Member

    What doesn't work with Vista? I installed an MSDN copy of Vista Business in a VM earlier this week with no issues.

  11. phazer

    phazer Hunter

    Did you upgrade your parallels tools? My video driver was also "redetected" and then I upgraded the tools and no more problems.
  12. phazer

    phazer Hunter

    Same here. But I don't like how my taskbar just kind of chills about 150pixels above the bottom of my second display either...

    edit: Unlock taskbar, drag to bottom of screen. relock taskbar. problem solved.

    [email protected] Junior Member

    Admin password requirement

    I have the same issue. Has anyone come up with a solution? I have tried resetting permissions, but I do not think I have found the correct folders to amend.


  14. appleguru

    appleguru Bit poster

    No solution.. but it does that to me too.
  15. looter

    looter Member

    Build 3094 issues resolved

    I just upgraded to 3094 on my 15" MacBook Pro Core 2 Duo 2.33ghz. After the install I had all kinds of weirdness, video resolution was off, coherence didn't work.

    I installed Parallels Tools TWICE. On the second time everything is now working well!

    Windows XP Pro SP2. I haven't had to re-activate windows.
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2006
  16. 2smuth

    2smuth Bit poster

    have a MB Pro with 1 GB or RAM, in the last release my XP was set to use 448 MB of RAM and ran well, after the upgrade I got an error to lower the RAM to 220 MB for best performance. when I did that, I could no longer raise the RAM without getting "The memory size specified(320 MB) exceeds the recommended maximum of 220 MB. You must reduce the memory size otherwise you will not be able to start the virtual engine." This makes installing Vista impossible as it won't load in less than 256 MB, I just tried. Coherence was available in the older version and everything worked properly, how do I get Parallels to use half of my RAM? I have rebooted, have nothing open. I only have 162 MB of wired RAM yet I have the 220 MB limit.

    thanks, my copy of vista is on the shelf til this gets resolved, I ran a new engine and hit the 220 MB limit again on Vista.
  17. alexishinds

    alexishinds Bit poster

    Beta 3094 Consumes all available memory


    I haven't seen this mentioned yet, but it seems that under this latest beta (but not the prior) any VM that I boot (XP / Vista / Suse) will eventually consume all available ("real") RAM, irrespective of the caching policy or the hard limit set the in Parallels->Memory preferences.

    This is on a MacBook Core 2 Duo with 2GB RAM.

    Has anybody else noticed anything similar and found a solution?

  18. bdombrow

    bdombrow Bit poster

    Windows XP Crashing with Network Enabled

    I've been using 3094 Beta 2 for several days now. This evening, it decided to go blue screen on me. Windows will put up a blue screen (see attached) if I have the networking enabled. This is really annoying.

    The blue screen has the error "DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL". Screen cap available on requst.

    I've got a MacBook Pro, 2.33 Core 2 Duo. 2 Gig of ram.
    I'm running Windows XP SP2 off the boot camp partition.

    Boot camp still works fine (including networking).

    According to Microsoft, the error I'm getting is caused by a bad driver. Any ideas on how to remove the network driver and install a fresh one? I tried removing the Parrallels network adapter from the Device manager in hopes of reinstalling it, but that did not work.


    Attached Files:

  19. mqandil

    mqandil Member

    Coherence still not working and we tried 4 other machines

    4 machines in our overseas office have been updated with latest build, (2 imacs, 1 15" macbook pro 1, and 1 17" macbook pro 2). Installation went well, and everything works well except coherence does not work on all of them, and same issue as mine.

    It appears to be a bug. But strange not all people are seeing the problem.

    Will report later if other issues arise
  20. Ole

    Ole Bit poster

    Bootcamp option grayed out still with 3094 Beta 2, configuration info

    - How many HDDs does your Mac have?
    MacBook Pro (2,33 GHz Core2Duo), with internal 120 GB HD
    - Where is your Boot Camp partition located?
    On the 4th partition
    - What is the OS installed on Boot Camp exact name and version? Is it 64-bit one or 32-bit one?
    XP SP2, 32bit
    - open Terminal, issue the "mount" command and post its output here please
    /dev/disk0s2 on / (local, journaled)
    devfs on /dev (local)
    fdesc on /dev (union)
    <volfs> on /.vol
    /dev/disk0s3 on /Volumes/DATEN_FAT (local)
    /dev/disk0s4 on /Volumes/Windows (local, read-only)
    automount -nsl [144] on /Network (automounted)
    automount -fstab [202] on /automount/Servers (automounted)
    automount -static [202] on /automount/static (automounted)
    ...and diskutil list
    #: type name size identifier
    0: GUID_partition_scheme *111.8 GB disk0
    1: EFI 200.0 MB disk0s1
    2: Apple_HFS Macintosh HD 31.0 GB disk0s2
    3: Microsoft Basic Data DATEN_FAT 31.6 GB disk0s3
    4: Microsoft Basic Data Windows 49.0 GB disk0s4
    ...and the fdisk print
    Disk: /dev/rdisk0 geometry: 14593/255/63 [234441648 sectors]
    Offset: 0 Signature: 0xAA55
    Starting Ending
    #: id cyl hd sec - cyl hd sec [ start - size]
    1: EE 0 0 2 - 25 127 14 [ 1 - 409639] <Unknown ID>
    2: AF 25 127 15 - 1023 74 10 [ 409640 - 65011712] HFS+
    3: 0B 1023 74 11 - 1023 254 63 [ 65421352 - 66247388] Win95 FAT-32
    *4: 07 1023 0 1 - 1023 80 63 [ 131668740 - 102772908] HPFS/QNX/AUX

    Hope this helps to solve or to provide better options to get rid of the greyed out Bootcamp option, though Bootcamp is perfectly running fine!

    Good luck and continue this excellent work!
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2006

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