Parallels Desktop for Mac build 3094 Beta 2 is available for download.

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop for Mac' started by STim, Dec 21, 2006.

  1. jbsolutios

    jbsolutios Junior Member

    Hi Trotsky

    I have spoken to dozens of UK users (including many Apple staff at the Apple Store Regent Street, London) who all have the same problem with the new beta.

    I don't understand what you mean about the second temporary activation number?


  2. Les Eakins

    Les Eakins Bit poster

    Support for dual core processors in Win-XP?

    Will Parallels support the Intel core duo in Win-XP the VM shows an HP T2500 which is a single processor not an Inted core duo, or will this be an upgrade later?
    Les Eakins
    [email protected]
  3. lavalley

    lavalley Bit poster

    Parallels Beta 3094 Blue Screen of Death with screenshot

    Hi everyone,

    I screwed up. I was previously running beta 1 and trying to run Parallels with bootcamp. I have bootcamp running FAT32 so OSX can write to the Windows partition. Once I discovered beta 1 couldn't boot to FAT32 I uninstalled the Parallels tools and waited for beta 2.

    Walla! It was released shortly thereafter. I installed beta 2 and set up a vm for bootcamp. I launched Parallels and it went through what looked like the auto installation of Parallels tools... and then seemed to lock up. I stupidly shut down the VM. Evidently the tools installation hadn't finished. Now, when I launch the Parallels beta 2 VM I get a blue screen of death:

    Obviously since I can't boot into Windows via Parallels I can't install Parallels tools via the Parallels menu option.

    I can boot via bootcamp but there is no uninstall option for Parallels Tools. Is there a manual installer or uninstaller for Parallels Tools somewhere? I have tried reinstalling Windows and updating but that has not helped at all - I get the same behavior. If no one has any other suggestions, my only other option is going to be to reformat my FAT32 partition, and reinstall Windows from the ground up - not something I'm relishing. Can anyone help me out? Thanks!

    ~ Dan
  4. trotsky

    trotsky Bit poster

    My two week activation number for the beta dies on the 28th - I bought my box product based on the quality of the previous beta release. I'll have to "downgrade" to the box version until this is fixed in beta or final release.

    This is a bit of a problem as I'm trying to work out how I can outsource my University's Exchange mail system when all the outsource companies appear to need some way of handling .pst files which precludes the use of Entourage. 200+ Mac users are making that difficult but the few to whom I showed the Coherence mode of Parallels Desktop running Outlook would have bitten my hand off to have it :-( Now I can't demonstrate it when the University gets going again...
  5. Robster

    Robster Hunter


    I am a UK user and have not had any problems?

    Is this because I bought a download rather than a packaged copy?

  6. conalho

    conalho Member

    Hmm...with the latest beta version of Parallels, I still cannot use my Garmin Forerunner 205, but the behaviour is a bit different. Here is what happens:

    1. I plug in my Garmin to my USB port on the MacBook Pro
    2. I hear Windows system beep indicating a new USB hardware has been detected.
    3. Windows asks to install USB device driver for this device. It finds the driver and installs it.
    4. I cannot however use any of the Garmin programmes to detect the Forerunner 205. It doesn't detect the Forerunner. Not even after restarts etc.

    What gives?
  7. yoyon7

    yoyon7 Bit poster

    I have exactly the same problem. Can't find a way. Help.
  8. yoyon7

    yoyon7 Bit poster

    No, I have that problem. Can't Parallels does not recognise Boot Camp, but I can stil use XP by rebooting. The problem I screwwed up by closing instead of loging off on Parallels.
    Dont know how to fix it. I am sure it is a Parrallels software thing but it is not corrected even with reinstalation.
  9. nervus

    nervus Bit poster

    Odd... Mine does work and I am in the EU (Netherlands). :D
    OTOH: my digital pen (Logitech USB) is broken again :(
    Still, as a whole Parallels Desktop for Mac is a nice product. :)
  10. wangooroo

    wangooroo Junior Member

    You can use the PHONE option to activate rather than the internet option. Its a pain but you can reactivate, but will need to speak with a live person over the phone to do it. I have done this three times already between betas. You donot need to purchase a new license.
  11. mcopeland

    mcopeland Bit poster

    I had to call Microsoft to get a keycode for Microsoft Office Professional.
  12. cortig

    cortig Member

    I have the exact same problem. I would add that I can launch Vista in Safe Boot Mode, but Safe Boot Mode with network support hangs as well. Maybe something in the network support in the latest Parallels builds that is not Vista compatible??
    I think that for the time being I'll revert to a previous build of Parallels.

    (MacBook Pro 2x2.16, 2GB RAM, MacOS X 10.4.8, Parallels tools uninstalled from Vista).
  13. acemac

    acemac Bit poster

    Coherence didn't work

    Yesterday I upgraded my parallels from 1970 to 3094 beta 2, but when i tried the coherence function it didn't give any responses, is there any fix on this? or still a bug?
    i am using macbook pro core 2 duo, 2.16, 2GB RAM, and using existing disk image that created by 1970 with additional parallels tools installed on windows
  14. kyrunner

    kyrunner Junior Member

    can not play dvd

    upgraded to the new beta 2 plus installed my parallels tools.when I try to play a dvd it says I need to windows media player cannot play dvd video you might need to adjust your windows display display settings in control panel and then try lowering your screen resolution and color quality settings.try to do what it said but it still didnt help .??
  15. asp

    asp Junior Member

    Cannot upgrade from 1970 to 3094

    Has anyone else experienced this?

    I initially upgraded from 1970 to 3094 and it seem to go well but when I tried to install the new parallel tools the install failed. When I re-attempted the install it seemed to go well but then I tried to boot up my WIN XP PRO OS it went through the boot and the main XP logo page appeared the window resized as it did in the past and I could hear the XP audio logo but it failed to continue on to the blue Welcome page. It just hung and I was left with a black window.

    I can uninstall 3094 and reinstall 1970. I have done this several times over now but I can't seem to get build 3094 fully operational I can always back down to 1970 and continue to use WIN XP Pro.

    Anyone have a similar experience? Any suggestions how to reload build 3094?

    I'd like to run Cisco VPN client and USB2.0 which is why I am interested in Beta2

    Running on a MacBook Pro with 2G RAM and 100G HD. Windows XP Pro SP2 with current patches.

    [email protected] Junior Member

    Coherence is working fine for me.
  17. wangooroo

    wangooroo Junior Member

    VM won't boot from Bootcamp partition.

    I upgraded to 3094 from 3036.

    When I had 3036 installed I was running XP SP2 in a bootcamp partition. I could successfully boot the bootcamp install of XP and run coheremce from a VM.

    I could also boot the native XP install from bootcamp.

    I removed the Bootcamp Tools as stated in the doc prior to running the vm.

    After upgrading Parallels to 3094 XP worked both in Bootcamp, or the VM booting bootcamp partition. I then upgraded boot camp partition to Vista Ultimate. Have some of the boot camp drivers loaded in Vista, but not all as I have not figured out what else I need installed or how to install.

    The result now is that the VM will not boot vista, it complains that BIOS is not right. Tried a repair. no dice.

    The system does still boot when booting bootcamp. But the VM will not.

    I guess next I will try to create a new VM for Vista using the bootcamp partition with a clean install. Which I was hoping to avoid as I had XP tweaked and configured perfectly with several apps.

    Anyone with ideas how to fix the bios problem?
  18. gibarian

    gibarian Bit poster

    not recognizing bootcamp partition

    I had parallels 3094 running on the backup partition, and then I shut the vm down.

    Later, I plugged in a firewire HD with three partitions, and then tried to start up the vm again, and I got the error message "parallels cannot start the virtual machine from the Boot Camp partition because Boot Camp is not installed on your system"

    I ejected the hard discs, and started parallels again. this error message went away, and I was able to boot the vm again.

    I'm trying to see if there's something in the background (my backup program for instance) silently using the windows xp partition, but I haven't been able to find anything.
  19. mattmichielsen

    mattmichielsen Bit poster

    0x0000007B Solution

    I had the same problem. If you follow the instructions on under "More Information" you should be able to resolve that. I'm now stuck with a different problem. See the attached image. It may have had something to do with the first successful boot with Parallels crashing when I ran out of hard drive space. I'd mess with it some more, but I'm pretty tired.

    Attached Files:

  20. Mathlener

    Mathlener Bit poster

    I have exactly the same problem with my Garmin GPSMap 60CS. Under bootcamp it works fine, so I have to assume the problem is with the virtual USB implementation of Parallels. I hope this will be fixed in a later version.

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