Actually why not take it "overboard"? ATT was taken to court over their false ad campaign about "fewest dropped calls in America". Twice. 
What Parallels did is no different. False advertising. You mentioned "limited 3D support". I think you need to read the ad copy again. I didn't see the word "limited". I saw "Runs the Hottest 3D games on the market". 5 times no less in my email. And in every press site that reprinted Parallels' press release. And that's not counting all the other claims they made that have turned out to be "limited" in scope. So please.. stop defending them.
And has one support guy come here and explained what the hell happened? Or at least said a "we're working on it". Or how about an apology?
And think about the next guy looking for 3D gaming. it's not like Parallels gives you links to these forums. You get that AFTER you paid. So he reads the glowing press (from Parallels cause the reviews aren't out yet) and buys. And guess what.. he gets pissed. And comes to these forums. Only to be called trolls by you fan boys (and I suspect many of you work for SWSoft).
Last edited: Jun 10, 2007