You're kidding me, right?
May I quote you from the very marketing material that arrived at my door?
"Hurry! Call 1-800=395-6682 or visit us at to lock-in your $39.99 price. Upgrade now, and you won't be charged until your order ships."
Where, oh where, in that phrase are the words "pre-authorization."
Better yet, on the pre-order page itself, once you click on the pre-order button you get "...Your credit card will not be charged until the product ships in June."
Nowhere in the pre-order process do the words "pre-authorization" appear.
Sorry, but that is rather deceptive in my book. My words of warning where not directed at bashing Parallels. It was simply to inform those that might be unfamiliar with the method Parallels chose to take.
So, to answer your question. Yes, I have booked a hotel room once or twice in my life. Since I somehow managed to travel the world for 10+ years doing sales and marketng, I suppose it was necessary from time to time.
My question to you is, have you ever been around enough to realize that "pre-authorization" isn't always "standard practice" at all? Order something from CDW (the owners of MacWarehouse) and see if they charge your card
before the product ships. 
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