Palm / Treo will not HotSync to WinXP

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop for Mac' started by luomat, Dec 21, 2006.

  1. java2d

    java2d Junior Member

    Uncheck and recheck USB = successful sync
  2. Mike@Parallels

    Mike@Parallels Hunter

    Try these please:

    1) press the HotSync button on your Palm

    2) Switch to Parallels

    3) Turn Coherence off and go back to an OS Window

    4) Click on the USB icon and tell it to attach to your Palm device

    5) Cancel the HotSync on your Palm

    6) Start the HotSync again

    If not help try several times.

    Also post your results please

    Best regards,.
  3. rcooke

    rcooke Bit poster

    Does step #3 really matter? I leave coherence ON and use the Parallels menu to select USB from the DEVICES menu. Same result (that is, it works).

    Its kinda annoying to do each time, though, how about a feature to pre-select devices that are to go straight to Parallels? (since I gather having autoconnect for everything causes other issues?)
  4. dkp

    dkp Forum Maven

    Open the OS X Activity Monitor. Find the OS X version of the Palm hotsync manager and select it. Choose Quit Process. That will keep OS X from grabbing the Palm device.

    With the Palm cabled to your Mac, press the cable's hotsync button. That will cause the Palm to announce it's presence on the USB port. Check the USB port in Parallels and see if there is a checkmark next to Palm Handheld (you version may say something different, but you should be able to identify the Palm option). Check it.

    The Palm is an odd device on the USB port. It does not make it's presence known until you push the hotsync button. Aside from this quirkiness it syncs well once the Mac hotsync tool is shut down.
  5. dizzydeane

    dizzydeane Member

    I'm having the same problem with my TREO 600 under WinXP on my MacBook Pro with Parallels 3188. I use MissingSync for Mac.

    - Should AutoConnect be OFF? ... It appears it should after following your steps 5 & 6 more than once. AutoConnect ON, did not seem to work.
    - Oops! I just now got a HotSync Problem scrn: "The connection ... was lost ..."

    I have a similar problem with Belkin a "Flip" which is KVM (Keybored-Video-Monitor) thing between my iMac & my MacBook. Do all "on-demand" USB devices have the quarkiness?

    I hope this helps.

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