Multiple monitors in Parallels 8

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by ErikOlo, Aug 30, 2012.

  1. alexjamesbrown

    alexjamesbrown Bit poster

    How do i:
    a) Downgrade
    b) Get a refund for my upgrade.

    Total joke. Did you seriously not bother to test this?
  2. nick.lowe

    nick.lowe Bit poster

    I've just noticed that if you have more than one VM up, Parallels 8 confuses a VM's state of being in a full-screen mode as applying to all running VMs and the menu options easily become inconsistent and incorrect. (It should be per instance state, not global state.) Urgh, so untested!
  3. Curt C

    Curt C Bit poster

    Can't use RDC in more than one monitor

    I believe related to this issue with Windows snapping back to the main monitor, when using RDC and setting the option to use all monitors in RDC, I still only get the use of the main window. Very frustrating and defeats the purpose of using Parallels on my laptop. I was using RDC for Mac, but it does not support dual monitors... so upgraded and got a copy of Win 7 just to do this.
  4. griffdb

    griffdb Member

    Regarding moving windows between multiple monitors, the only way I got it to work was to move the window to the other display and then up to the top to maximize the window. Then you can move the window down and it will resize on the desired display.

    I also noticed that you can't get to the Parallels Menu Bar if you are using multiple displays.
  5. jschank

    jschank Bit poster


    I too have the same issue. Doesn't matter the originating window, when I drop an application window on my desktop on the other monitor, the app snaps back to the original screen.

    However, if you first position the window so it appears on BOTH screens, you can then pull it into the other screen.

    as long as the drag and drop originate AND finish on the same monitor, it will work.

    Weird. But there you go.
  6. Chris@Parallels

    Chris@Parallels Hunter

    Hi All,

    A hotfix has been released to address most Retina issues. If you are not automatically prompted to install the update, go to Parallels Desktop Menu - click Check for Updates... and install the fix.

    This release was made available September 6, 2012.

  7. alexjamesbrown

    alexjamesbrown Bit poster

  8. SK1234

    SK1234 Junior Member

    the hotfix seems to solve the issue. let's see if it's stable and no other side effects. thanks for the update, chris!
  9. Jaister

    Jaister Bit poster

    Trial version can't download updates

    Hi - had this exact same issue. Running Parallels in Trial mode (thinking of switching from Fusion). It seems I can't download the hotfix/any updates when in Trial mode? Honestly I was pretty close to purchasing a license but the multi-monitor issue kind of killed it for me. Any chance to get a link to the Hotfix?
  10. serv

    serv Forum Maven

  11. Dr_Rob

    Dr_Rob Junior Member

    There's is a pd8 update that fixes all the dual monitor issues

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