Media Player not working after upgrade to 3.0

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by Annapolis sailor, Oct 8, 2007.

  1. rbh

    rbh Member

    Hi Xenos,

    I checked the configuration (shutdown the VM) as soon as the VLC behaviour was witnessed.

    The DirectX shaders checkbox was blank/unchecked. As I don't require it for games (this is a work VM) I left it unchecked.

    The performance improvements in build 5582 have offset this functional deficiency for now - so I'm happy to wait for you guys to release the new (working) code in the future update you mentioned. When it is ready to "rock and roll" could you post as a reply in this thread (or PM me and I'll do it).

  2. Annapolis sailor

    Annapolis sailor Bit poster

    Windows Media Player and VLC still not working in 5582

    Replicated RBH's experience when I upgraded to 5582. Initially Windows Media Player worked after updating, but as soon as I installed Parallel Tools it ceased working. VLC also will not play video.
  3. westeban

    westeban Bit poster

    Same issue here. I upgraded to 5582. Forgot to upgrade tools. Tried WMP and it worked! Later I remembered to upgrade the tools. After reading this post, I tried WMP again and it was broken.
  4. Zenara25

    Zenara25 Member

    I have to uninstall the parallels video driver for my programs to work

    Upgraded to version 5582 hoping that I could now use the parallels video driver. But still the same issue. Netflix watch now and windows media player won't work. I have direct x unchecked, memory at 1024mb, video at the max of 64mb, acceleration on high.

    The only way I've been able to get things to work is to go into windows device manager, uninstall the parallels display adapter driver , and important -- making sure to check the box that says to completely remove the driver from windows. Restart computer and now everything works with the standard vga driver.

    Also Yahoo Music Player is working now. It wasn't in version 5160.
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2007
  5. fiid

    fiid Bit poster

    piling on....

    Hate to pile on, but I've had exactly the same problem. I just submitted it using the "Report problem" feature as well.
  6. prp8683

    prp8683 Bit poster

    Seems to be an acceleration issue

    This problem seems to be related to the graphics drivers; if I disable DirectX acceleration in the display properties (troubleshooting tab) I can play media in WMP. (one downside is that the mouse pointer gets screwy; intermittently overlaying the Vista cursor with the OS X cursor, and occasionally jumping randomly around the screen.

    Note that the DirectX option within Parallels has no effect here; I have to disable all DirectX acceleration within Vista.
  7. rbh

    rbh Member

    Xenos and co. - will the working update for this be included in the next release you are working on that has the fix for the "copy/paste" issue generated by the last Tiger security update?
  8. Xenos

    Xenos Parallels Team

    Hello all,

    RBH, unfortunately we were unable to include Windows Media Player issue fix to the 5584 but our developers are aware of it and it's still on our roadmap. Thank you for the reports on this problem, it has helped us in investigating this issue.

    It looks like the recent video driver updates in Parallels Tools are causing the problem, so the possible workaround would be to install the video driver from the older builds but this solution is not convenient or user-friendly, so I can only advice trying for advanced users.

    Best regards,
  9. RobertMidd

    RobertMidd Bit poster

    Is this the same issue


    I am trying to play clips from (UK only) which uses the windows media player plugin but the clips fail to play when loading vista via Parallels.

    When I use vista via bootcamp then the clips play ok.

    Is this the same issue that will be fixed by the next build (hopefully).

    I am using Mac OS X 10.5.1 on a MacBook Pro and Windows Vista Ultimate.

    Edit: I tried what another poster did in that I disabled hardware acceleration and it now works in Parallels.
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2008
  10. bzlightyear

    bzlightyear Bit poster

    When will this be fixed?

    Can you pls provide instructions on where to download and how to install video driver from an older build.

  11. Xenos

    Xenos Parallels Team


    Bzlightyear, I will attach the proper video driver from an older build to my post here as soon as the workaround is proved to be helpful. It's not yet, unfortunately.

    Could you please try these workarounds:

    1. Minimize hardware acceleration level in display properties.

    Right click on Desktop -> Personalize -> Display Settings -> Advanced Settings -> Trobleshoot tab. Put hardware acceleration level to zero.

    2. Set Color in Display Settings to 24 bit making hardware acceleration set to maximum.

    Best regards,
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2008
  12. Zenara25

    Zenara25 Member

    Netflix and Windows Media Player fix

    Again the workaround for me (Vista, Parallels 3, 5584, Macbook) is to go into device manager. Uninstall Parallels display adapter and make sure to check the box to completely remove the driver from windows. Restart computer and now everything works with the standard vga driver. Netflix does not work with the Parallels Video Driver at all and as far as I know it never has.
  13. mhoutman

    mhoutman Bit poster

    i could reproduce this cursor behaviour too. rather annoying i would say.
  14. spinedoc

    spinedoc Bit poster

    So is this any closer to being resolved? It's been MONTHS and still no ability to play wmv's in WMP in parallels!
  15. Xenos

    Xenos Parallels Team


    Did you try the workarounds proposed in the post #31?

    Best regards,
  16. spinedoc

    spinedoc Bit poster

    I haven't given them a shot, but was hoping that as promised the update would fix this. I'd rather not tinker around for full functionality in a program I paid for.

    Are there any updates to this being included in an update?
  17. rbh

    rbh Member

    This worked for me... Looks like a 32-bit display driver issue.

    from the other thread:

    Originally Posted by Stacey M

    could you please try these workarounds:
    1. Minimize hardware acceleration level in display properties.

    Right click on Desktop -> Personalize -> Display Settings -> Advanced
    Settings -> Trobleshoot tab. Put hardware acceleration level to zero.

    2. Set Color in Display Settings to 24 bit making hardware acceleration
    set to maximum.

    Best regards,
  18. flyingjay

    flyingjay Bit poster


    This is total BS. This is a big problem that is a year old and very addressable and you guys at Parallels just BS and do nothing about it. It should take one hard days work by a decent programmer to fix so why haven't you done it or offered a workaround until you do? You are doing a lousy job.



    [email protected] Bit poster

    Still dosent appear to work in 5600

    I'm having basically the same problem trying to play WMV files that have DRM on Vista Ultimate on Leopard. It works fine in Fusion. Why is this so hard to get resolved??

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