macOS Catalina work?

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by MDumke, Jun 3, 2019.

  1. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

    Hi, could you please share more info with us? You cannot set your VM to sleep? Or your Mac hangs when you trying to turn it to sleep mode? Looking forward to your reply and also please generate the problem report after the issue reproduced.
    Do not forget to reply us back with the report's ID
  2. JohnMo

    JohnMo Bit poster

    I am running Parallels Desktop 11 on Catalina, and everything is working as normal with just one exception - when I choose 'coherence' view, a window opens as normal but it is just plain grey. If I go back to 'fullscreen' view then all is perfect :)
    Maria@Parallels likes this.
  3. DaveK5

    DaveK5 Bit poster

    Running the latest version of Parallels and Catalina 10.15 beta 3. When I launch one of my VMs, the host computer (iMac Pro) shuts off after a few seconds.
  4. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

    Please generate the tech report right after the issue reproduced and reply us back with the report ID.
  5. Jorgen G.

    Jorgen G. Bit poster

    Sorry if posting to the wrong thread, but it seems most of the request related to Catalina.

    I am using Parallels desktop 14.1.2 (45479) with public beta of Catalina .
    FYI, encountered this bug during update to most recent update 10.15 Beta (19A512f):
    Deleting logs solved the problem.

    Also, if there change to obtain beta builds to restore broken shared desktop / folders functionality?
  6. MDumke

    MDumke Bit poster

    I would like to know if a new version of parallels is being developed to support the new version of MacOS, because even apple releasing new versions, I see no evolutions on the page
  7. WilliamK6

    WilliamK6 Bit poster

    For the time being. I disabled Desktop and Documents in the Shared Profile settings. Than manually mapped Desktop and Documents in the Custom Folders settings. Then changed the location of the Desktop and Documents in Windows 10 to \\Mac\Desktop and \\Mac\Documents (In Explorer. Just right-click Properties on Desktop or Documents. Then Location). It's a few extra steps but it works!
  8. Ajith1

    Ajith1 Parallels Support

    We are glad that you have found a workaround for the issue and shared it here for all the users.
  9. WilliamK6

    WilliamK6 Bit poster

    No problem.. Glad I could help.
  10. LukeC2

    LukeC2 Bit poster

    So I upgraded to Parallels 15 today since it said it was Catalina ready and I still have the error with shared profiles. I can see why, it's mapped to \\Mac\\Home\\Desktop and since I have iCloud Drive turned on my Desktop is not there. When I try to go in and remap it I get a permission denied error. Any help to get your "Catalina Ready" software to actually work with Catalina?
  11. LukeC2

    LukeC2 Bit poster

    So support just responded to my request as to why shared profiles don't work with Catalina, even though Parallels 15 is specifically promoted as Catalina Ready. Essentially he says yeah it doesn't work, but we hope it will work in the future.

    Thank you for contacting Parallels Support.

    This email is regarding the issue you have reported that you are unable to share files between mac and Windows virtual machine.

    We have escalated the issue you reported to the Engineering Team and they are working to address it in one of the future builds of Parallels Desktop for Mac.

    To enable automatic updates, from the Parallels Desktop Menu, select Preferences > General > Download Updates Automatically.

    We will create a new ticket should we have an update or more questions for you.

    Thanks for reporting this problem - though honest feedback, good or bad, we are able to provide better products and services to all members of the Parallels Community.
  12. Gianstefano

    Gianstefano Bit poster

    I installed Catalina on Parallel15 running in MBP2016 with Mojave. I'm able to start the OS but it doesn't detect the trackpad, and as it has already been mentioned, I cannot move the windows.. The driver detects standard click and right click (two fingers) but I cannot move any window, so its completely useless....

    Updated Parallels tools, restarted the OS, but the problem is still there.
  13. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

    Please reproduce the issue, try to move windows, then please generate the and reply us back with the report ID.
    Gianstefano likes this.
  14. Gianstefano

    Gianstefano Bit poster

    I reproduced the issue, and Sent the report ID 319822443
  15. oztrev

    oztrev Member

    I had a functioning Catalina beta 5 VM with PD 14 (latest version).
    After upgrading to PD 15, as soon as PD 15 tools are installed and the system reboots, Catalina fails to startup, hanging at a black screen with a white Apple Logo. I've reverted to a snapshot a couple of times, and retried, but the result is always the same.
    Tech Report #320193623
  16. oztrev

    oztrev Member

    Fixed in Beta 6 :)
  17. ThiemoE

    ThiemoE Bit poster

    works Parallels 12 with Catalina?
    Thanks for the information..:)
  18. Hi, Parallels Desktop 12 is not supported on macOS Catalina. We recommend you to Upgrade to Parallels Desktop 15. Make the purchase on .
  19. kylin

    kylin Bit poster

    me 2
  20. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

    Hi, which Parallels desktop version are you using? When does the issue appear? After macOS Catalina installation?

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