macOS Catalina work?

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by MDumke, Jun 3, 2019.

  1. flip

    flip Bit poster

    Just to add my $0.02 - Windows 10 is 'running' on my iMac Pro, but the responsiveness is pretty bad. Very slow screen refresh, IO is a pain. I have given it a lot of memory & CPU here but wondering if there is something up with graphics acceleration or something. I don't share filesystems or apps, so I'm not having the permissions issues already reported, but it's basically unusably slow.
  2. I'm You Know Who.

    I'm You Know Who. Bit poster

    To summarize "virtualized" Catalina is working well, generally. For devs wishing to test drive XCode 11 beta, do a dual boot instead for now. I have installed it three times troubleshooting a crash issue when creating/opening a project within XCode 11 Beta in a VM on Catalina. While I have had no issues in with it in a dual boot scenario. I assumed that possibly Parallels tools was interfering... Conclusion, Xcode crashes when virtualized with or without Parallels tools.

    Here is a summary of my experiences with each attempt.

    1) I installed the first time, in a VM, I ran into a couple hangs using the following process: Install Mojave from recovery > Install Parallels tools > Install beta profile > Upgrade > Install XCode > (test/fail). This resulted in two hangs during upgrade (black screen with progress bar), where an "Action > Reset" would get things moving again. Discovered Xcode crashes.

    2) I installed a second time, in a APFS volume, using the following process: Dual boot using a new APFS volume > Install Mojave from recovery > Install beta profile > Upgrade > Install Xcode > (test/success). No issues with the hangs or Xcode crashes.

    3) Installed a third time, in a VM, using the following process: Install Mojave from recovery > Install beta profile > Upgrade > Install Xcode > (test/fail) > Install Parallels Tools. This process did not hang at all. The experience was sluggish without the benefits of Parallels tools, but presented no errors or hangs. Xcode still crashed without Parallels tools. Installing Parallels tools tells you it is "reinstalling" which it is not, and hangs at 100% when it should prompt to restart. Parallels tools installs fine regardless, you just need to manually reboot. Xcode still crashed with Parallels tools.

    - Drag and drop does not work unless you enable "Optimize for games" as mentioned in their Known Issues KB, but also note, that your mouse will stick to the edge of the screen requiring Ctrl+alt to release, which is annoying.
    - Copy and paste between the host and guest doesn't work.
    - Xcode crashes on project open/create with the stack trace failing at "Thread 0, MinimapMetalLinesLayer.defaultDevice() + 491. Assuming this may be related to new Apple Metal framework GPU changes not jiving with the Parallels hypervisor GPU. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    Hoping to see a fix/workaround soon.
    RyanK7, backslash-f and JJC1138 like this.
  3. ScottN57

    ScottN57 Junior Member

    That worked for me as well-thanks!
  4. backslash-f

    backslash-f Bit poster

    Xcode crashes for me too: "Thread 0, MinimapMetalLinesLayer.defaultDevice()"
    The main reason I bought Parallels if for doing these beta testing w/o compromising my production machine.
    But to be fair, this is also happening with VMWare. Hopefully there will be a workaround soon.
  5. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

    Hi, please provide us with detailed description of the issue (in order to reproduce it on our test environment) and generate problem report and reply us back with the report's ID
  6. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

    Hi, we need your help with the issues investigation.
    Please reproduce every issues which you have and generate the problem report right after that.
    Please reply us back with the reports' ID (and short info after which issue report has been generated)
    We need this for the further issues investigation.
    Thanks in advance.
  7. ScottA1

    ScottA1 Bit poster

    I am also having the issue where I cannot get any networking going. Started with Shared and that does not passthrough data (ethernet on Catalina shows not connected). I did not see this listed on the main thread about known issues. I also tried WiFi and the option is not there once booted to OS in VM. It works fine when booted to an external drive (non-vm). My upgrade to Catalina was fine from Mojave and installing Parallels tools hung at 100% as expected and I restarted but this may be the issue with networking not working. Not sure. If there is any help I can provide, let me know.
  8. ScottA1

    ScottA1 Bit poster

    Update: I used the Parallels (in VM) menubar item for networking and switched to wifi and back to shared and it works.

    I am also though having the issue with not being able to move windows. They move about 1mm and stop.
  9. JamesB26

    JamesB26 Bit poster

    I think I have a similar problem :( How long do they respond if we create an application?
  10. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

    Dear James, if you have the same issue, please provide us with tech report.
    and detailed description will be very helpful.
  11. Howyagoin

    Howyagoin Junior Member

    It may be premature, but, the latest macOS Catalina Beta (2) seemed to start Parallels without incident, and I was able to install Debian and use it just fine, including networking on my WiFi (shared). About to try Win10 as a guest to see if that works....
    Maria@Parallels likes this.
  12. AlexanderF6

    AlexanderF6 Bit poster

    Please, let us know if it Win10 works normally or not in Parallels under host macOS Catalina beta 2.
  13. Howyagoin

    Howyagoin Junior Member

    It did work, and I was able to use web browsing, install a .NET application, BUT - that's all I tested.
    I don't have enough spare cash for an extra license for Parallels on the MacBook that I tested on; I'm not willing to upgrade my main machines to Catalina yet.

    So I installed the trial version and the free Windows 10 (not-activated) that you can install with Parallels. All of that worked fine. But my testing was very limited. My need for Windows 10 is also limited, just that one .NET application, really.
  14. Schnautz

    Schnautz Junior Member

    So, the real question I have is, Can we run Parallels inside Catalina to retain access to 32-bit macOS apps?
    About to try a High Sierra VM inside a Catalina VM inside a High Sierra Host to see if I can use 32-bit apps in coherence with the Catalina OS.
  15. AlexanderF6

    AlexanderF6 Bit poster

    I've upgraded my MacBook to macOS Catalina beta 2. I can confirm that Windows 10 running normally inside Paralles Desktop:
    - Shared network works.
    - Shared profile works.
    - USB devices work too.
  16. PavelF

    PavelF Junior Member

    In Catalina Beta 2, issues with USB devices are resolved
  17. MobiGame

    MobiGame Bit poster

    In Catalina B2 not work, stay on initialization...
  18. MarkL29

    MarkL29 Bit poster

    I can't get it to fully install. I bought the upgrade after I installed the Catalina Beta. It gets about half way and dies. Looking forward to an update!
  19. PaulW17

    PaulW17 Bit poster

    Catalina as host. Parallels will not sleep. Shutting the lid of my MacBook Pro 2018 while Parallels is running results in complete battery drain.
  20. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

    Please try to stop the installation process then restart your Mac and start the installation once again.

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