Mac OS X Snow Leopard and Parallels Desktop for Mac compatibility topics

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by Forgiven, Oct 2, 2009.


    [email protected] Bit poster

    I am running Parallels 4.0.3844. When I select "Check for updates", it tells me about 4.0.3848. However, the install just won't work. It takes me to a few screens, then all update screens disappear, and nothing downloads. The "Downloads" folder remains empty.

    Where can I download Parallels updates from the web site? When I go there, I only see to download the new Version 5. Can I download Version 4 updates? If there are other updates between my version and latest, do I need to download all and install in order, or can I only install latest?
  2. Forgiven

    Forgiven Member

    Robin and Mark,
    after release of Parallels Desktop version 5, the download links of version 4 was removed from official parallels website. You can download the last build of PD4 3848, using the direct links, please apply to this article:
  3. Steven Melensen

    Steven Melensen Bit poster

    Since I had touble with bootcamp, I tried Parallels (demo version) to see if I could run Windows XP Service Pack 1 on Snow Leopard. Everything worked well, but there is a but...

    When I restart my computer nothing works. In fact my computer ask for a boot CD, but I have no clue about wich CD is needed. I can live with that if I press alt when I turn on my CPU, then select MAC HD, but of course I don't think that it is supposed to work that way.

    So, is there anything I can do to have a normal start up?

    ps : BTW, I will buy Parallels at the end of the trial, I just wanted to make sure that it could support Win XP service pack 1.
  4. Forgiven

    Forgiven Member

    Hello Steven,
    I suppose you have incorrect startup disk on Mac side. Go to System Preferences > Startup Disk and select Mac OS X volume as start up disk, click ok.
  5. Steven Melensen

    Steven Melensen Bit poster

    Thank you very much! You've been a great help, it works!
  6. John Ebert

    John Ebert Bit poster

    Has anyone tried 10.6.2 with the new parallels 5 ?

  7. Forgiven

    Forgiven Member

    I tried, works like a charm.
  8. Johnny Markin

    Johnny Markin Bit poster

    Hello. I have been trying your method to shut down the VM from Terminal and get the following error when I enter "prlctl list -a":
    -bash: prlctl: command not found

    What should I try now?

  9. I-che

    I-che Pro

  10. GaryA

    GaryA Bit poster

    Please click one of the Quick Reply icons in the posts above to activate Quick Reply.
  11. GaryA

    GaryA Bit poster

    Snow Leopard and Win 7

    You don't hear of many success stories in these forums, but I just wanted to say that my iMac with 10.6.2 and PD 5.0 installed Win 7 Professional flawlessly.

    I did have one glitch - my HP Photosmart printer quit working (on the Mac side). After a call to Apple support they directed me to download and reinstall the HP printer drivers.

    Everything has worked great. I run GIS and CAD software, in addition to word processing/spreadsheets. All work fast and print fine.
  12. YosephS

    YosephS Bit poster

    Hi, I really need your help

    I'm packaging Parallels Desktop 5 using composer.

    I need to know how to change VM default directory. I know you can set it up in preferences. But what I need is after installing parallels desktop 5, the default folder for virtual machines is set to other directory automatically without user interfere for example, /virtual machines and not /users/username/documents/parallels. I have done something but it seems useless, correct me if I'm wrong.

    So, I have modified "DefaultVmFolder" in "vmdirectorylist.desktop.xml" file into the following: <DefaultVmFolder>/Virtual Machines</DefaultVmFolder>
    I've also made change to the key of "FileDevSelectorWidget.FolderHistoryitem-0" in "com.parallels.Parallels Desktop.plist" file to /Virtual Machines.

    I have tried both but everytime I log on and run parallels Desktop the Default folder for virtual machines is still pointing to /users/username/documents/parallels" and it's overwriting the "vmdirectorylist.desktop.xml" file and "com.parallels.Parallels Desktop.plist" to the default setting.

    Is there any way to change the default folder for virtual machine to other directory automatically (without changing it manually from preferences) and not overwriten after installation? Cheers.
  13. I-che

    I-che Pro

    Hello YosephS,
    we highly do not recommend to edit configuration files and plists. GUI works fine - why not set default directory in Parallels Desktop Preferences to /Virtual Machines - it will work fine and bring you desired result (please correct me if I'm wrong).
  14. YosephS

    YosephS Bit poster

    Well, the reason of my intention to change this directory is, we are packaging the Parallels and need to custom the default directory for virtual machine preferences before the package is sent down to each user's machine. So, when the user check the preferences the default folder directory will be set to "/virtual machines" without the need to change it manually by user from "/users/username/documents/parallels" folder (by default Parallels desktop create that folder after installation).
    The other reason, we have user's document synchronized to the server, so imagine if one user have virtual machines for different OS, it will take a lot of size stored on the server once it synchronized. So, it's a good idea to change the VM default directory to other directory instead of user's document on Mac.

    I think it's possible to do it but in which part of Parallels Desktop need to be modified other than preferences, this is still a big question for me. Cheers
  15. JefferyH

    JefferyH Bit poster

    virtual hard disc increase

    I have been unable to increase the size of my virtual hard disc, currently 32gb, which is now full. It will not allow my to revise the disc size when I open Configure and then under Hardware and choose Hard Disc. It tells me that I can't Resize the Hard Disc because "the virtual machine is running, has snapshots, or uses boot camp partition as its hard disc."

    I originally purchase Parallels 4.0 and recently upgraded to 5.0.

    What can I do to increase the size of the virtual hard disc?
  16. Banned

    Всем привет! Не знаю, есть ли здесь на форуме русскоязычная публика?!))) Но у меня такой вопрос - после установки Parallels Desktop 4 и запуска Windows XP SP3, в меню самого XP (Пуск -> Все программы) как раз вкладка "Все программы" и не открывается! Это общий баг Parallels Desktop или это только у меня так? Спасибо за ответ...
  17. I-che

    I-che Pro

    please check private messages.
  18. I-che

    I-che Pro

    hi Egor (),
    this is not Parallels Desktop issue or bug, please chech this Microsoft Support article:
    It says XP SP 2 in prerequisites, but should be applicable to SP 3.
  19. I-che

    I-che Pro

    Hi JefferyH,
    It might be necessary to merge snapshots in case you have any. Please try to increase disc capacity (or handle snapshots) using Parallels Image Tool ( /Applications/Parallels/Parallels Image Tool ).
  20. Alex H

    Alex H Bit poster

    Activation / Registration / Support


    I am attempting to upgrade a MacBook Pro that had Parallels installed prior to purchase. The packaging (disk, manual, etc..) was shipped with the laptop. When I enter the key printed on the CD sleeve, I get a message telling me that it is invalid. Since I am running Snow leopard there seems to be no way to check the original key and see if it matches the one that was printed on the sleeve.

    I have been unable to contact anyone from Parallels support (chat always times out or offline message, phone line keeps me on hold for 20+ minutes) also unable to create a trouble ticket (Get message that "someone else has registered my order number"). I had to use a different email address just to register for this forum.

    Not sure what is going on, any help is appreciated.


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