[Licensing] Use one license on several personal computers

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop for Mac Feature Suggestions' started by RyanM8, May 31, 2017.


Easy to use facility to switch license between computer systems

  1. Yes, great. need one

    171 vote(s)
  2. No

    10 vote(s)
  1. Ajith1

    Ajith1 Parallels Support

    You can visit Microsoft website to purchase Windows 10.
  2. AndreV3

    AndreV3 Bit poster

    Whoa! Just discovered that I need to buy again to install in my iMac. Leaving parallels for VM Fusion right now.
    cam217 likes this.
  3. Robster

    Robster Hunter


    I use both a MacBook Pro and a Mac Mini.

    I do NOT need a licence for both, I will only ever be using the licence on one or the other machine.

    Frankly if VM offers this and Parallels does not, I will probably swap platforms before my next renewal.
  4. james42

    james42 Bit poster

    Hey, Im a student and bought 'Parallels Desktop 13 for Mac' about a year ago.
    Im trying to activate the license key (which I got from surfspot) on my new macbook, but it says: license key is associated with another E-mail adres.
    I've tried all my email addresses but it still doesn't work. Please, can you help me with it, I've tried everything I could.
  5. Ajith1

    Ajith1 Parallels Support

    We are unable to find any keys with education email. Reply to our private message with to find the registered account.
  6. OlegL

    OlegL Bit poster

    I just got an upgrade licence and realized that I cannot use it on my MacBook pro because I installed it on brand new Mac Mini. I use only one computer at the time, how do I get it to work for me now? if this is not resolved by Parallels in the next 3 months, I will buy Fusion for MacBook and leave Parallers on Mini for another year or 2, but no more Upgrades and Buys from Parallels.
    "Greediness leads to bancrupcy"
    cam217 likes this.
  7. xz4gb8

    xz4gb8 Member

    Even Adobe allows us of Creative Cloud by one user on two machines (e.g., desktop and notebook). It is ridiculous to have to deactivate and reactivate for occasional use such as travel. At least consider this for the Pro subscription.
  8. DylanB4

    DylanB4 Bit poster

    I wish I would have found this thread literally 2 hours ago. I just prepaid for a year subscription to Parallels and then started thinking about the fact that I need to sometimes swap machines. I would have bought Fusion had I known this limitation. I don't want to run Parallels on two machines simultaneously but I do have two machines that I sometimes need windows on...
  9. ElizabethS3

    ElizabethS3 Bit poster

    My two cents, same situation as has been described already. I have two devices (iMac and laptop) which I don't need to use at the same time. Just one or another. Though I need to switch everytime I swap machines during my working process - it's just not user friendly, imo.
    Why not to share license up to 2 devices? You'd have more loyal customers/users.
    - regards, Eliza
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 26, 2019
  10. LexT

    LexT Bit poster

    I just got a new Mac Mini and was shocked to discover that I can't use my Pro subscription on it as well as on my laptop even though they aren't used simultaneously. I use Parallels once every month or two and have been buying it for years because it does come in handy occasionally. It was difficult to justify the renewal this year but I caved in and bought it. I fear that this restrictive licensing model will make the decision to abandon this product next year much easier. I assume that due to the lack of corporate attention here that the company doesn't care much about their non-business purchasers and we really can't blame them. The real money is probably in business licenses. I'm off to look at Virtual Box and VMWare. Thanks for the recommendations folks.
  11. JohnK27

    JohnK27 Bit poster

    Been using Parallels for a few years now and switched over from VM due to lack of support. Looks like I am switching back to VM since I have 2 laptops and my desktop for work and personal use. It's bad enough being raped by Apple for the hardware but if Adobe lets me use 5 computers Parallels better make a change soon! I am looking at VM now and if it allows for multiple computers on the same license it's Adios Parallels! It was nice while it lasted but too costly to move on.

    Thanks for the memories.
  12. samm8

    samm8 Bit poster

    The 2 pack license took me to this page. Is there an updated 2 pack license or any other promos?
  13. Ajith1

    Ajith1 Parallels Support

    We no longer have two license pack. You can purchase two separate activation keys.
  14. cam217

    cam217 Junior Member

    I do blame them, and they do not get my money anymore. I can't stand that kind of policy!
  15. PD9

    PD9 Bit poster

    I agree - the modern world usually can check users liciense via online...so allow multiple computers but only one at a time...
    YES - a small amount of people may figure out a way to share licenses, but I bet you're losing more customers with the pricing and only one license.
    I don't know who your customer base is, but I'm betting College kids aren't paying $79...and they are they should be your future customer base I would think.
  16. cam217

    cam217 Junior Member

    From a certain point of view, you're right PD9.

    but, Parallels doesn't look for sustainable practices.
    They are just like plenty of others companies who embraces direct profit against betting on their possible future customers. And yes, they frustrate people but with only limited financial repercussions (I guess) since it has been their leitmotiv since a while.

    And look at this topic, they do not discuss strategy... ever. This post exists and may look bad to a few people who finds it but they don't even try to defend their strategy. That means either, they do not care us. We're probably very tiny compared to big companies who can buy a lot more than us AND companies are used to pay a lot for licenses!

    One sure thing, I use VMWare ESXI professionally and I will never talk about Parallels at work...
    I chose to try PD long time ago... been deceived then went back to VMWare for professional use and Qemu for personal use. That is it. Don't expect anything else.
  17. DavidG38

    DavidG38 Bit poster

    Thanks. I want a new PC and I *must* have Windows as I use some apps simply not available on the Mac (Power BI, SQL Server for testing only, etc) but I generally prefer the working environment of the Mac, and the work I do doesn't always require these Windows-only apps. So my preference is a new MacBook Pro. Thanks for the info.
  18. DanielB24

    DanielB24 Bit poster

    I have been scouting the market before making a purchase for my business. Recently a number of users switched ove to Macs in the office. Some run iMacs or Mac Mini in addition to a MacBook. Their time switching back and forth deactivated licenses costs me money. I'm down to the wire to make my purchase and it looks like Parellels will get no more action from me as my 14-day trial had just ended. Bragging about your fluidity has all ended abrubpty based up your structure of greed and lack of response to this tread unless someone has a technical question. It's good to know you're still there reading these. More importantly you have shown these comments fall upon deaf ears.
  19. DavidW13

    DavidW13 Bit poster

    I have subscribed two licenses, but I have four Macs at home. So I keep using the VMware Fusion on the rest of them with only one license (and upgrade with discount yearly)... Parallels Desktop license is really expensive for me... :( Parallels Access is better, one license for 5 computers.
  20. EdwardO2

    EdwardO2 Bit poster

    I just purchased a New Mac Book which came with the subscription. Deleted VMWare from my iMac and loaded Desktop 14. I had no idea this could not be used on at least 2 Macs as always in the past.
    Switching back fast.
    Parallels User and BradB1 like this.

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