Is ok to do a disk defrag?

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop for Mac' started by dorian88, Mar 27, 2007.

  1. David5000

    David5000 Pro

    I don't have a Parallels folder in ~/Documents, so I am still in the dark about where the VM Directory structure is. (In ~Library/Parallels>winxp> I have unattended.fdd, Windows Applications, winxp.hdd and winsp.pvs.)

  2. dkp

    dkp Forum Maven

    That happens to be my configuration as well but I've got the same setup since May of last year. If your structure is in Library/Parallels then that is the structure you need to preserve. I understand that newer fresh installs put things elsewhere and that mucks up the support effort. There are bits of Parallels in other places but those are in OS X file space and will be defrag'd when you use an OS X defrag tool.
  3. wesley

    wesley Pro

    The place I mentioned must be the 'new' place. Of course, the place that has the .pvs and .hdd is indeed the place to deal with.
  4. David5000

    David5000 Pro

    Which files exactly constitute the structure you are referring to? (I am unfamiliar with this terminology.)

    Thank you,

  5. dkp

    dkp Forum Maven

    A disk structure is a directory and it's contents including other directories. You can think of any directory as being the parent of the structure below it. Your home directory structure includes the Library directory among others. If you were to make a copy of the Library structure it would include your Parallels directory and contents but also a lot of other stuff you don't need. If all you want is Parallels then use the Parallels directory and it's contents as your target structure. Just copy it to an external disk and the structure will be preserved in its new location.

    You verify the copy by checking file count, file sizes, and for the presence of all directories and subdirectories that are found in the original.
  6. David5000

    David5000 Pro

    Sorry, but I am just not following this--it is too abstract for me.

    Could you please be more specific as to which files exactly I should be first copying to an external disk and then back again to defragment?

    Thank you,

    Last edited: May 7, 2007
  7. dkp

    dkp Forum Maven

    No, it's not possible to simplify it further. I can't tell you specifically what files to back up because I don't have your system here to observe. The file names are arbitrary - chosen by whom ever does the install. Where they are located is better defined. It is the Parallels structure located somewhere in your home directory. This can also be arbitrary. You could try using the Parallels "File>Open>Choose..." option. This will open a Finder like window that provides the full path to virtual machines Parallels already knows about.
  8. Eru Ithildur

    Eru Ithildur Forum Maven

    They are frequently located in ~/Documents/Parallels or ~/Library/Parallels .
    They end with the file extension .hdd . To find any .hdd files (what you would want to remove for a defrag), pull up spotlight and search for *.hdd and then copy those over to your external. Just remember where you pulled them from or you will have to make some changes to your file paths in your configuration (.pvs) file.

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