Hotfix Update: Parallels Desktop 4.0 Build 3540 is available

Discussion in 'General Questions' started by Andrew @ Parallels, Nov 20, 2008.

  1. John@Parallels

    John@Parallels Forum Maven

    Just to clarify, you are performing Windows Vista repair through Boot Camp?
  2. bblitzmu

    bblitzmu Bit poster

    I tried Vista Repair in both Boot Camp, and PD. It gave no error, said boot was successful it both cases.
  3. John@Parallels

    John@Parallels Forum Maven

  4. bblitzmu

    bblitzmu Bit poster

    I don't believe this is a Microsoft issue though. My Vista installation through bootcamp works perfectly. I see other posts in here about the control panel issue which only happens when I use PD4.
  5. rblommers

    rblommers Bit poster

    The same here. I applied the hotfix, run Vista Repair in native bootcamp...
    Still no results...
    Vista repair says everything is fine.
    In Parallels bootcamp i don't have a control panel... (and printing etc..)

    Is there a way to remove alle parallels stuff from my windows partition and
    re-create a new bootcamp virtual machine?? Perhaps this is a possible solution..
  6. ATXP

    ATXP Member

    Startup with my Boot Camp. And restart with Vista DVD.
    Ran repair and it said everything is fine.
    Uninstall Parallels Tools in Boot Camp.
    Restart to Mac partition and launch Parallels.
    Reinstall Parallels Tools

    Previously, when I open Control Panel, the window opened and closed immediately.
    Now, Control Panel window opened and nothing inside.

  7. panosru

    panosru Bit poster

    I cannot start Parallels Desktop V4 Build: 3540.. I get the following error all the time no matter what i do.

    Unable to connect to Parallels Service.

    Make sure that prl_disp_service is running or check your firewall settings. If the problem persists, contact the Parallels support team for assistance.
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2008

    [email protected] Member

    Not a microsoft issue

    I cant believe that support is suggesting that this is a ms issue, Boot camp vista works perfectly, Parallels 4.0 was the catalyst for the issues that everyone is talking about.

    There remains no way to use 4.0 because tools wil not install

    I have now removed 4.0 and will reinstall 3.0 , it has been a enormous waste of time,


    [email protected]

    [email protected] Member

    I tried to go back to 3.0 and now it wont let me install because it says i need to remove parallels server or it wont run the installer
    Help??????!!!! what does that mean and how do i do a clean install of p3.0, i have the original file for 3.0 but it wont run
  10. wyfwyf

    wyfwyf Bit poster

    Windows XP DPI setting can not be changed

    in Control Panel -> Display -> Settings -> Advanced -> General :

    DPI setting is always 96 dpi (normal size). Making any other settings has no effect. It seems this problem arises after Parallels Tools are install.
  11. hyeomans

    hyeomans Bit poster

    3540 doesn't fix my problem - Error 1935 see details

    I had previously contacted support who told me to upgrade to build 3540. Once I did that still had the same problem which is. I install Parallel Tools it gets right up to the end where it says Publishing product information and comes up with an error box that says:

    Error 1935. An error occured during the installation of assembly component {98CB24AD-52FB-DB5F-A01F-C9B3B9A1E18E} HRESULT: 0x080070057. If I reboot the box without clicking that a hobbled copy remains. if I hit ok it backs out the whole install.

    I've been using 3.x since 3.x came out just fine so this not an issue of my MAC not being able to run parallels.


  12. davert

    davert Member

    Please click one of the Quick Reply icons in the posts above to activate Quick Reply.
  13. davert

    davert Member

    How exactly do you "update CPU driver in Windows OS"? I tried searching for new hardware and it found nothing,

    PS> Please excuse my prior nonsensical accidental entry.
  14. hyeomans

    hyeomans Bit poster

    Unless you work for Parallels davert please don't ever tell me how to post my comments again. I'll post them how I want, you post yours how you want.
  15. davert

    davert Member

    Hyeomans -
    You seem to want to make trouble.
    My mistake was posting Post Quick Reply, and the default text got up there.
    You want to start a fight? Go pick on someone in a bar.
  16. JoOppen

    JoOppen Bit poster

    Thank You, you made it!

    John, Andrew, Evgeny et al.

    You have solved my BSOD A5 problem. The link to was very helpfull.

    Retrieval of data by creating a new VM and attaching the old HD to the new VM is also very helpfull, in particular if your old VM is a bit messy.

    I have tried both ways know and both worked for me.

    Thank you for your support it is realy helpfull!


    [email protected] Member

    Back to 3.0, how to reinstall sucessfully , tip!

    I decided to stop waiting for p4 support to solve the 1306 problem ( they have no idea) so i deleted 4.0 vm and went back and installed 3.0. I would caution anyone upgrading a boot camp disk that tools installation may not work

    Going back to p3 got me into more trouble as p3 would not install , it kept giving me an error about "cannot install please stop parallel server"

    if you decide to go back, you must uninstall p4 from the proper p4 uninstall dialogue or it wont remove p4 fully and you wont be able to revert to p3.

    I now have p3 working again, ( my computer is back to where it was a week ago) and tools installed perfectly

    Now ive wasted a week and spent $50.00. Im not sure what to do next, Ill probably look to get my money back or wait for a fix?

    Im not impressed

  18. tblack

    tblack Member

    >IMPORTANT! - This is English build and won't work with localized activation keys. Localized builds will be available soon.

    What does this mean in plain english? What's a "localised activation key"?

    Should I risk installing this build or not?
  19. davert

    davert Member

    Since Parallels makes changes to the startup - and possible a kernel extension - I'd certainly expect to have to do a full uninstall before regressing. (Though I'd consider P4 to be a severe regression in a lot of ways! Like now, Windows can draw enough processor power from Mac OS that I can't leave it run in the background and expect to type properly, even just using two out of four cores).

    I believe what they mean is that if you use a language other than English, it won't work.

    [email protected] Member


    Honestly, i would wait before upgrading, tech support is lost on many of the issues. I would just hold off for a bit unless you have lots of time on your hands.
    IMHO ....dont upgrade.
    Maybe someone else here will provide a positive response?

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