Disable Dangerous "Free Up Disk Space" message

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by DavidA4, Feb 17, 2019.

  1. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

    could you reproduce the issue please and collect the tech report right after that, and post report's ID here?
  2. diamondsoftware

    diamondsoftware Bit poster

    Hi Maria,
    no I can't do it, sorry, it will take me hours to restore more than 400Go virtual machine and the 2to SSD on the Mac... and time is money, I'm full booked with client projets...
    Don't tell me that you can't do it yourself... It seems to be a commun problem for many users, so it must be reproduce easily by your staff...
  3. RHS

    RHS Hunter

    I do not think Parallels will ever correct this.
  4. diamondsoftware

    diamondsoftware Bit poster

    Not sure but I think it's directly link with the new Apple file system... and it can need a huge and deep modification inside the Parallels...
    As usual for many companies, there is always a lack of communication, we (clients) can understand that they can have more difficulty for correct palm but please: communicate! it's not a shame to have technical problems, we are all confronted to this kind of problem and when we inform clients they understand.
    Nowdays companies made priority to marketing and sale instead of quality... In my business we do priority to quality and then softwares created works well without problems since years. I've an old software at client place since 1999 and it crash only 1 time.. So it's possible..
    LukasV1 likes this.

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