Crashing or slowness? Maybe this is why...

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop for Mac' started by andrep, Mar 30, 2007.

  1. forgie

    forgie Member

    I don't doubt that you (and apparently many others) are having speed issues, but having a huge amount of virtual memory actually won't normally impact performance AT ALL. Virtual Memory often will never be accessed - so don't worry about it.

    kernel_task is currently using nearly 2GB on my macbook. It doesn't really mean anything, since most of that memory is probably stuff that hasn't been accessed in days or weeks, and will not be taking up RAM.
  2. noed

    noed Bit poster

    I ain't no pro concerning (virtual) Ram-usage, but the numbers I gave are one (or THE) apparent indication of the performance loss (at least for me). Especially if I consider the fact, that the process WindowServer did not show such 'numbers' while running Parallels 2.5. It all just started after the upgrade (both the numbers and the performance loss, as well as the 'graphics'/'display' issues).

    Anyway - somehow the Parallels-Team should (has to) explain the troubles and - most important- fix it.

    Regards from Austria,

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