It has been 5 months - still no real fix for Coherence bug?
Did I miss a patch or update or is there still no real fix for the "bring a window to the foreground" bug?!?!
Please let me know where to find the fix or when to expect it before I'm forced to switch back to using a real PC for my Windows environment.... 
- Dieter
PS: to clarify, my specific issue is that the changing focus between windows does not bring the active window to the front. Yes, it works fine in Windowed Mode of PD but not in Coherence mode. I am using OS X 10.8.2 and PD 8.0.18354 on my 27" iMac with 32 GB RAM and with a 2nd 27" Apple display. No other focus or flicker or ratio issues, "just" the windows not being properly brought to the front.
Last edited: Jan 17, 2013