Broken Games - Speak up here if you want to see a particular game working.

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by krayola, Jun 10, 2007.

  1. gsiisg

    gsiisg Bit poster

    I posted in the "Game Request in the next version" but I guess I should post here too.

    Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning

    "System video card fails minimum specs -- Warhammer will now terminate"

    Everything meets the requirements but somehow it doesn't detect my video card as meeting the requirement on my macbook pro with ATi x1600 with 256MB of video RAM.

  2. RedHerring

    RedHerring Junior Member

    Left 4 Dead!
  3. kjk

    kjk Bit poster

    Maple Story?

    Does Maple Story run under 4.0? thanks!
  4. dtmwtp

    dtmwtp Bit poster

    Zeus: Master of Olympus

    I definitely posted this in another thread before I saw this one...

    Hey, I know that version 4.0 is out, but I was wondering if a PC game from 2000 called Zeus: Master of Olympus is supposed to work? I'm using XP and it installed correctly, but when I double click the icon to start the game nothing happens even though it's using up 95%-99% of my CPU time.
  5. jdandrea

    jdandrea Junior Member

    Yay Parallels!

    Loyal H. "Bud" Chapman's Infamous 18 (an AboutGolf simulator very similar to what you'd see at an indoor golf facility) now works on Parallels 4.0. I'm running it on an iMac 2.8GHz with 2GB RAM without any special changes to the XP Home Edition install.

  6. Baelzar

    Baelzar Bit poster

    Left 4 Dead

    My friend bought me the game as a gift so we can co-op, and all I have to give him are sad 4.0 excuses.

    Game doesn't recognize my video card, and everything goes purple.
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2008
  7. John@Parallels

    John@Parallels Forum Maven

    Update was published , which is right now available at
    The most of problem were fixed.
    Please navigate to that link, and download build 3540
    In post there are various instructions, how to fix problems.
  8. Heavysege

    Heavysege Bit poster

    Europa Universalis III


    I could use some help...

    i've seen people in here say they've gotten EU3 working with Parallels. I had tried on Parallels 3.0, and just given up because of its poor 3D support, but most of the games I had that were broken with 3.0 are now working in 4.0. EU3, however, is still not working for me.

    I have an early 08 Macbook Pro, 2.6GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, 4 GB 667 MHz DDR2 SDRAM, GeForce 8600M GT 512MB VRAM, 1920x1200 LCD, and a Hitachi 185GB 7200rpm HDD, running 10.5.5 with all updates current. The install it is running off of is my BootCamp partition, running Windows XP SP3 with all current updates and (Apple-supplied) drivers, on the same HDD as my OS X install.

    I always get exactly the same symptoms, no matter what I do - everything starts and runs fine through the intro movies and initialization, but when it gets to the start menu, the menu graphic is centered at the upper right hand corner of the screen (so I only see the lower left quarter of it), all the button graphics are mashed together, and the actual button hotspots are invisible at, presumably, their normal places on the screen.

    This has happened with both Parallels 4.0 builds 3522 and 3540. It happens both with parallels in fullscreen mode and windowed. It happens in both those cases with EU3 running full screen or in a window, with multiple different resolutions chosen. It happens both with and without the 'Adjust the Host computer's resolution in full screen' box checked. It happens with parallels set to both 128mb and 256mb video ram. It happens with and without antialiasing on, and with and without each of all four video options checked in EU3. It happens at both 1024 and 1536mb of memory dedicated to the virtual machine. It happens with base EU3, with the Napoleon's Ambition addon, and with the In Nomine addon.

    The game and both addons all run flawlessly when booted into Windows XP through Bootcamp.

    I am out of ideas. Has anyone else seen this happen? Has anyone solved it, or does anyone have any suggestions of what else I might try?

    Thank you.

    [email protected]
  9. BelgianBull

    BelgianBull Bit poster

    MacBook 2,4Ghz, 4Gb DDR3 RAM, 250 Gb HD 10.5.5 & Parallels Desktop 4.0 (Build 3540) + XP Pro SP3
    America's Army is running fine on all highest detail (2 cores running, 1024Mb RAM and 256Mb videocard for VM)... Finally!
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2008
  10. mrgrue

    mrgrue Bit poster

    In Parallels 3, I was able to run all the episodes of Sam and Max via Steam. The rendering was sometimes weird (blown out specular highlights on some characters), but the games worked.

    In Parallels 4 (3540), Sam and Max won't even start. Steam says it's starting the game, but then nothing ever happens. In the Task Manager I can see both a "PRL_CC.EXE" and a "sammax101.exe" start and die, but that's it.

    The game starts fine under Boot Camp.

    - mr. grue
  11. gsiisg

    gsiisg Bit poster

    build 5400 of 4.0 does not fix Warhammer Online

    Still get the same error of failing min spec, even though I can run it fine under bootcamp.

  12. Flagg

    Flagg Hunter


    if a game was running properly in Parallels Desktop 3 and got messed up by installing Parallels Desktop 4, this may be caused by the fact that hardware, video cards for instance, is emulated in a different way in the newer version. A reinstall of the games in question might fix the issue. I understand, that this may be a painful experience to do for games running off Steam, but that would be the safest bet.
  13. nevlik

    nevlik Bit poster

    I don't see reinstalling a game as doing the job, though in many cases it won't hurt (look out for those saved games tho!)

    Firing up City of Heroes in P4, an error will pop up with:

    The game to the login screen, though the mouse pointer behaves poorly (it creates a black bar on the screen wherever it goes). The game eventually crashes upon initial zone, with the following error message:

    This is WinXP with the 3504 updated P4, freshly upgraded and converted from P3 (where CoH loaded to game world, albeit with zero 3D graphics)
  14. mrgrue

    mrgrue Bit poster

    My upgrade from Parallels 3 to Parallels 4 involved me reinstalling XP from scratch into my Boot Camp partition due to the "autochk" problem. Obviously, this required me to reinstall Steam as well.

    Since then, I've uninstalled and reinstalled Steam and my Steam-powered games a second time, just to check.

    I suspect that doing it a third time won't help much. :)

    Dxdiag reports I do have DirectX support, but I can't tell if the game believes that. The DX7 test sometimes flickers a bit, but the DX8 and DX9 tests look fine.

    I don't suppose there's any way to turn switch to a "legacy mode" so we can choose whether we're getting the Parallels 3 or Parallels 4 video card emulation?
  15. Flagg

    Flagg Hunter


    have you tried disabling 3D acceleration in Configure -> Video?
  16. mrgrue

    mrgrue Bit poster

    It hadn't occurred to me, since I'm trying to run a 3d game. But hey, I'll give it a shot.


    Nope. Unsurprisingly, Sam & Max 101 now complains that there is no 3d acceleration. Likewise, Dxdiag won't let me run any 3d tests.

    The "legacy mode" I was hoping for didn't involve dropping 3d acceleration. I was asking if there was a way to switch between the 3d acceleration used by Parallels 3 and the 3d acceleration used by Parallels 4, since some things which worked in Parallels 3 no longer work in Parallels 4.
  17. Ctheiz

    Ctheiz Bit poster

    Worms Armageddon

    Unfortunately, Worms Armageddon isn't running in Parallels 4.0 (3540) running XP-SP2. The game (and its patch for XP) install fine, but the game won't run.

    Even if there is no easy fix for this, I'd at least like to know what's causing the incompatibility.

    Thanks in advance.
  18. gsiisg

    gsiisg Bit poster

    Got the build number wrong, was suppose to say Parallels 4.0 build 3540 doesn't work with Warhammer online still.

  19. Papinius

    Papinius Bit poster

    Europa Universalis III

    Have had the same result, though version 1.3 of EU3 will not work at all, whereas version 1.0 will struggle but maps do not display correctly. Has anyone had any luck with EU3 in parallels 4?

  20. 1337pikachu

    1337pikachu Bit poster

    I have a problem playing maplestory, well not playing it, like graphics problem, when ever i see my character in the log in and in game screen, its a black block. it wasnt like this in parallels 3.0

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