Blackberry desktop software not working

Discussion in 'General Questions' started by quadgrande, Jun 7, 2007.

  1. JimKilby

    JimKilby Bit poster

    Blackberry Pearl Compatibility

    Does anyone know when, or if, Parallels will every be able to sync with Blackberry?
  2. kevinw

    kevinw Hunter

    Sadly, no it does not help.
  3. angray

    angray Bit poster

    According to the VMWare support forums, that known issue with some Macs and with the latest OSX update also includes the Santa Rosa based MacBook Pros, so possibly there's a fix available soon? I know there was something with 2.5, but I'm running Parallels 3 and I have had some USB device issues, including the Blackberry problems everyone is having.

    Quote "There is a known issue where USB devices will not show up or work correctly with VMware Fusion if you are using a Santa Rosa based MacBook Pros or any Mac users running Mac OS X 10.4.10".
  4. SD Macman

    SD Macman Junior Member

    Blackberry Pearl Sync with XP Pro

    I am now having success syncing my Blackberry Pearl with XP Pro.

    MacbookPro Intel Core2 17"
    Parallels 3.0 build 4128

    I am using the latest version of blackberry desktop software. It is pretty finicky but it does work. Also, I don't know if is part of the solution but I installed the latest version of PocketMac on the Mac side. Before trying to sync with windows I did a pocketmac sync.

    Then I installed the desktop software XP. The way i do is 1. open desktop manager. 2.connect Blackberry. Sometimes it takes a little while to recognize and connect. the beach ball shows up but goes away. 3.Then usually the desktop manger will show as connected and I can sync. On occasion if it doesn't look like it will connect I check the Parallels USB devices and make sure the RIM Device is checked.

    Again, it is finicky. Sometimes the manager will hang and I have to unplug phone and try again. But very rarely does it do the indefinite spinning beach ball.
  5. SD Macman

    SD Macman Junior Member

    forgot to mention I am using OSX 10.4.9 I am afraid to upgrade as it may change the USB functionality.
  6. kevinw

    kevinw Hunter


    Can you confirm your version of Parallels - you say it's "3.0 build 4128". Mine is 3.0 build 3214 dated June 21, 2007. And can you confirm which version of the BB desktop software you installed/
  7. BraddahT

    BraddahT Bit poster

    Just wanted to chime in since I'm having the same problem:

    MacBook Pro Core Duo
    OS X 10.4.10 (10.4.9 didn't work either)
    Parallels 4128 hosting XP Pro SP2 latest update as of today
    Desktop Manager AT&T 4.2 SP2
    BB 8300 v4.2.2.89

    1) Open Desktop Manager
    2) Plug in BB
    3) Task bar says "Working" then "Connected"
    4) Endless Dialog titled, "Initial Plugin: Verifying Applications"

    I used Desktop Manager on my wife's XP Pro Toshiba laptop to sync her Pearl and it worked flawlessly.
    I used PocketMac to sync my Mac address book and that also worked flawlessly.
  8. SD Macman

    SD Macman Junior Member

    First things first:

    Parallels 3.0 build 4128 (June 9th)
    Blackberry Desktop (april 26th) downloaded directly from BB

    But my luck ran out. My pearl died and T-Mobile gave me a new one. Now I get the same "Initial Plug: Verifying Apps" that BraddahT is getting!

    I tried it with Pocketmac and works great. I am going to try the Desktop Manager SP2 with a May date off the Blackberry website to see if that helps.
  9. BraddahT

    BraddahT Bit poster

    ...and DirectX is enabled
  10. SD Macman

    SD Macman Junior Member

    This thing is a mystery. today I startup my computer when I connected the blackberry it made it through the initial verification! then when I went to sync the BB desktop manager froze. I cltr-altl-del and closed the desktop manager then deselected the blackberry in the parallels USB devices. This gave me the spinning beach ball and froze the VM. Had to force quit and restart parallels.

    Upon restarting I opened the desktop manager then reconnected the worked!

    I wish I could tell you all there was a specific routine or a way to determine the problem but it is like gambling in Vegas. I assume it has to do with Parallels USB management.

    FYI: I am, and was, using Desktop Manager SP2 which on Blackberry's site is dated May but once installed shows April.

    Good Luck Everyone!
  11. kevinw

    kevinw Hunter


    I have installed Parallels Ver. 3.0 build 4128

    Using BB Desktop Ver. 4.2.2. 14 dated April 26 2007, I attempted to sync my Curve 8300.

    I got BB Desktop to recognize the device was there (shows Pin No.) but it would not get past the
    Configure Synch button. Whenever I switch to the Configuration Tab and select the Configuration Synch button the application freezes.

    I have no more ideas. :(
  12. kevinw

    kevinw Hunter

    SD Is right!!!!!

    After just posting that this didn't work with the installation of Parallels Ver 3.0 build 4128 I did what SD did and tried dis-connecting and reconnecting several times. No rhyme or reason to the amount of times and Viola! It worked. That is it let me into the Config Synch Button on the Configuration tab to configure which program I wanted it to sync with and which app's in the program. Great right? Well almost. When I went back to the main page of BB Desktop to execute the Sync Now button and the program was frozen.

    So I disconnected and reconnected (and yes I do this only with the USB remove hardware icon in the tray) then opened BB Desktop hit the "Synchronize Now" button and Viiola! It worked. Why? I have no idea. Will it work from now on? I doubt it. I think that I will still be connecting and dis-connecting to get it to recognize the connection.

    Something obviously is wrong with the way Parallels reads this USB connection and/or this application vs. Windows on a Windows Machine.

    It still works 100% of the time on my Windows XP Pro laptop

    Go figure?
  13. oakbrook

    oakbrook Bit poster

    Kinda Works....

    Have been wrestling to sync my 8700 for days.

    Had automatic sync unchecked in order to establish a PIM configuration in advance of the automated process, after which I planned to manually sync to actively manage the process. Seemed however that without Automatically Sync checked, I could not establish a configuration and/or manually sync.

    Once the automatcally sync box was checked, DM made the effort to sync, but couldn't as there was no established configuration. Following the preceding advice of "disconnect, reconnect, click, and pray" and after a few DM restarts I was able to open the configuration window and establish the correct configuration settings.

    Since, I have run 4 different successful test syncs. Will keep you posted if I get derailed, but so far so good.


    Make certain Parallels Devices > USB > "Blackberry" is checked

    Confirm "Blackbery" is present in Windows Device Manager under USB Devices.

    [email protected] Bit poster

    USB quit working with Parallels and Apple OSx upgrade

    With both upgrade from Apple and Parallels I lost all USB support for my blue tooth receiver and SUB connected volumes - this kills my productivity and is the whole reason I bought a MAC Pro because Parallels supported USB support for all my USB devices. I am an developer running XP and VIsta VMs ona Mac Pro with 6 GB RAM and need this functionality back ASAP or I have to junk the MAC and go back to crazy Win Machines - please help. AppleCare points to Parallels and of course Parallels doesn't have a phone number. I thought Apple and Parallels would have better customer support than this - this is why I am leaving Windows for my personal productivity - for the support - where is it?
  15. kevinw

    kevinw Hunter

    Beats me on that one. With the exception of the BB Desktop connection and (1) other which has since been solved with the new release all of my USB stuff works. With you being in the biz I assume you've done the usual (i.e. uninstall, reinstall etc. Parallels that is ) I agree Parallels is virtually non existent on this forum to solve issues but you can contact them and pay on a "per incident" basis. I did it about 2 months ago on a disk expansion question and they were quite good. I agree when you really need crap to work you expect these guys to be there. I doubt if Appple will give you the time of day on Parallels issues though. Good luck, I feel your pain....
  16. ikondave

    ikondave Bit poster

    Last night I was told by a TMobile BlueBerry Tech support specialist that Parallels is not supported by BlackBerry. Period. He put me on hold for a moment and contacted BlackBerry directly just to be sure that he had the latest information. I told him that I had been able to get DM to detect my 8100 on a couple of occasions ( just long enough to wipe out all of my 8100's system software ) he said that's possible but highly unstable. No kidding! Looks like I wasted a bunch of money on copies of Parallels and Windows XP. Too bad, I really like the 8100, but I'm guessing that an iPhone ( or maybe the next gen Treo ) may be in my future.
  17. kevinw

    kevinw Hunter

    This doesn't surprise me. I've never mention to anyone at Tech support at any device company that I am trying to get something working on Parallels vs. straight forward Windows. I figured, and this is the case for most but not all, that given any opportunity to poiint the finger at somethign else they will. Instead I use my own method of discovery. I try the USB device on a standard Windows X Pro laptop (which is also what my host parallels operating system is) and if it works on that laptop then I expect it to work in Parallels. When it doesn't I have to rely on Parallels to solve the problem. After all they are selling Windows compatability.

    I realize that they are slow to respond (at least directly) to specific issues and it's a shame their own advertising for their latest release on their web site says " Use any phone, MP3 player, and camera with your Mac. With Parallels, you can use your favorite devices, even if they’re Windows-only. Connect your Blackberry, phone, camera, and MP3 player to your Mac! because obviously this doesn't apply to all Blackberry phones. In fact I venture to say that there are probably a lot of limitations to that statement. You only have to read this forum.

    But, for the moment, mine is temporarily working. That is, now that I have gotten into being able to specifying what and how I want it to sync in the BB Desktop software before it freezes, it is now set up to auto sync, when I connect, which it does maybe 75 to 85 percent of the time. Then it freezes the Balckberry Dekstop and I have to un-connect and re-connect.

    I am hopeful all of our babbling will eventually get someone at Parallels with one of the Blackberry phones in front of them and the dekstop software to straighten this out.

    We'll see....
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2007
  18. joe the mac guy

    joe the mac guy Junior Member

    BB 8100 pearl with Parallels 3.0 Bld 4560 cant sync

    I have a macbook, 2gb ram running Parallels ver 3.0 Build 4560. I have just installed blackberry desktop, Tmobile says this is the latest. The software crashes on launch 4 out of every 5 times I launch it. The one time it does launch it says that its disconnected. When I go to the USB panel in Parallels, "rim composite device" shows up checked. Yet, the desktop software still says disconnected. So I uncheck the rim composite device from the usb panel, which now causes it to mount on the mac desktop. I dismount the unit from the mac desktop and recheck it in the USB panel in parallels. Now, after going into the connection manager in Blackberry desktop, It shows up. The problem is that even though it shows up as connected, it still does nothing. I double click on any of the desktop options and nothing. It actually causes my mac to start running like crap to the point where I have to reboot. Win XP locks and I have to force quit parallels.

    Anyone else seeing this on the ver 3.o biuld 4560 version?

    This has got to be resolved soon, I have clients that are looking at vmware and its a shame to lose them because of something small like this.

    Lets see what we can do.

  19. angray

    angray Bit poster

    I've just upgraded to Build 4560, and could never get my BB to connect (I'm just looking for tethered modem support) before, but voila, I plugged it in this morning hoping that the new build had done something, and I was able to get online with no issues, and am posting this from the connection now. Oddly enough, the Desktop Manager still won't launch, but the Device Manager is all I need for this, so Parallels must have done some fixing. I'll see if this is repeatable, but for now this is what I wanted.

    I did install the VMware beta and the BB installed and connected with no issues at all, so at least there's another option if this flakes out, but for now, I'm happy. I'm running BB Desktop 4.2 service pack 1.
  20. kennyL

    kennyL Bit poster



    Using Parallels 3.0, with T-Mobile 8700g and 4.1.7 desktop. I get the JVM hang up too. I'm so pissed because everything worked on 2.5

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