5582 Installer Hangs

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by mcbuckeye, Dec 6, 2007.

  1. Xenos

    Xenos Parallels Team

  2. jackybe67

    jackybe67 Pro

    Last edited: Dec 19, 2007
  3. ChadStatosky

    ChadStatosky Bit poster

    Proper fix

    Just run this command on the terminal to make it continue
    The installer hangs if natd or bootp are still open when it tries to run

    sudo ps axuww|awk '/[\/](natd|bootpd|InternetSharing)/ {print $2}'|xargs kill -9
  4. keeponrunning

    keeponrunning Bit poster

    Help..... I've been using parallels since it was originally in beta, years now. bought upgrades from 1.0, 2.0, now 3.0 and its always worked great. I put off doing the most recent upgrade and finally decided to do it. now I'm getting the same error everyone here has mentioned. the bad part is I have tried everything from the older version mentioned above, the SUDO trick, the article where you had to go into terminal and put in like 10 commands. started internet sharing , stopped it MANY times. tried it all rebooting in between steps, all in one shot. doing the steps while parallels was trying to install. All I get is that lousy centimeter of a blue bar ' installer scripts' and it hangs.

    I'm putting it on a MBP 15 inch, 4gb ram, 320 HDD, 2.5ghz core 2 duo. I've tried for 3 days doing different things mentioned in the articles and post on the forums but nothing I have tried so far has allowed me to get parallels back on including the older version 5582.7 . Basically I'm out of ideas and would really love to get this back on my machine.

    Guys, this isnt just me thats having this problem. why have post been out since 2007 with people mentioning it and yet here we are in July of 08 and its still not fixed??

    sorry, just a tad frustrated. ok... more than a tad.
  5. John@Parallels

    John@Parallels Forum Maven

    Disable or remove any antivirus on Mac side, if you have any PowerPC applications with drivers remove them, if you have Keyspan remove it
    permissions repair try again.
  6. keeponrunning

    keeponrunning Bit poster

    dont use anitvirus, no power pc apps loaded, or drivers (removed all startup items in case they had a conflict actually) and dont own keyspan.

    literally starting from a fresh bootup.

    also repaired permissions for the 3rd time. nothing. last night I left it going all night, at abended after 4-6 hours (I dunno, I was asleep) and I restarted it and it never got any further. still unable to get past the 'running parallels installer script' message.
  7. John@Parallels

    John@Parallels Forum Maven

  8. keeponrunning

    keeponrunning Bit poster

    nope BUT one thing from another reply that got me thinking was time machine. well... i;ve been using it for quite some time and I'll be it saved by butt.

    I can say I'm kinda disappointed that the product got so hosed up , be it apple's fault or what, that it wont even install anymore. Kinda taught me the 'if it aint broke dont fix it' theory for thousandth time. just because software says 'update now' doesnt mean you should.
  9. John@Parallels

    John@Parallels Forum Maven

    Create ticket in support we will ask more detailed logs to check situation

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