Separate names with a comma.
PClinuxOS is 95% done. Just working out audio bug. :)
Isn't that odd.. Try /usr/bin/system-config-packages If not then do: yum install yumex (then look under system tools) Sorry, I'll have...
Applications/Add-Remove Software pic (Do you make cross-platform apps?)
Do you use system managed or custom? What AV do you have? edit** (above posted at the same time and seems to know) ;)
Signing your life away is actually F8. ;)
YUM is there (and RPM installers work). I'm an Apt guy, but I hear you can add apt to RH.. Go up to Add/Remove programs. There are tons of dev...
DX is not going to work. There is no 3D rendering. They say they are working on it, however I see issues with actually getting that as a feature..
Parallels is basically just telling the guest OS (ubuntu) about a very generic NIC -. Parallels is pigy-backing on the host OS (OSX). Flip...
That DL zip file - is not done correctly (I don't know who he is) Even if everybody stopped, there will always be at least one seed. You are...
Thanks for the help bbf. All are "owner" "password" (except Ubuntu is "burke" "password".)
Added #5. Fedora. I didn't really want to get into the "large" distro's. But FC5 just works wonderfully.
Please don't ever use norton trash.
Added a forth. ;)
What is interesting about that is, I did accedently leave the junk hidden files on the first one I did (Ubuntu). These were .DS_Store files....
Hey I enjoy it. When I do get done on the other two I'm working on, I will just update the main post in this thread with them. So your using...
Kazza and Torrent are not the same technology nor even the same league. Hey, a Yugo and BMW are both cars - but not comparable. :) With...
I have made some turn-key Parallels images for the Macbook. These have only been tested on the Macbook. Tuned, drivers, settings (1280x800...