Separate names with a comma.
Great! A user database that can be accessed by search engines! Good work, Parallels. The post by the admin said "We have fixed this attack."...
Read the facts. Also the post that was just made in reference to tracking this to - I got to the same information right off and...
ariell - take a good look above at the source listing of the email and see what is mentioned about the domain name - note the...
Oh - and no disrespect to you or any other member here - I am looking for an answer from Parallels.
bayz - you are partially correct. I did give them a password and user name when I signed up. It was not given to anyone else. It is required to...
Again - somewhere out there - someone that can represent Parallels. I have two - make that three - simple questions and I want an answer. 1....
I received one also today - same IP. See this thread about the subject
Parallels - what is going on. Let's have a comment or something. Is there a process to have an account DELETED - not just disabled, but...
Open the 3036 dmg file that you downloaded - there is an uninstall program in there.
Once you get Suse running, go to the yast program and set your screen resolution in there. Click on Desktop, then YAST, enter your password if...
Managed to install Suse 10.1 Hi all, it's been a while since I've posted. Since then I got a new mac-mini, 1.83, superdrive and all, and upgraded...
Check for Upgrades Jason - the same here, but I just went out and dl'd the new package, and installed it. It recognized that I was fully...
There are known problems with the 4.0.4 release. Upgrade to at least something. I can't remember the full version number, but it's the...
aramp - Start by having one of your system people watch the live logs on the device you are connecting to. They can tell you if it is your...
Okay - does the VPN you are connecting to allow more than one connection with the same login? BarryW
ummm... The MAC version is beta, the WIndows/Linux is production - not pre-release, eh?
Aaaah... A run-time version that can be used by "users". Now that shouldn't be hard for these wonderful people at Parallels to come up with!
I will send you a private message No - this is not real bad - I'll send you a private message. Barry
No no no - The one for your Windows network card. The REAL one, not the parallels one.
Your IP under the Windows physical network card should be in the range of the following: 10.x.x.x or 172.16.x.x or 192.168.x.x If it is, then...