Separate names with a comma.
Well I decided to increase the screen size for EUIII and now I'm getting the error: "requires 128MB of video ram" Ahem. well, I've got...
I wrote support on this issue and they replied that I should get a key when 3.0 is released. Of course how long I'll have to wait to see...
I received an email from support less than a week ago saying that I would get a key (having the free upgrades for 1 year). The wording was...
Well, I did try a trial key for 3.0 and it WORKED! I hope I didn't dig myself a hole though and I'm able to enter the REAL key when I get it. I am...
Europa Universalis III - No good. Failed to create a graphics device. Not surprising as I think the specs for this game are rather high. I will...
Floris, you are in the same boat as many users. Your 2.5 key will NOT work with 3.0. You will need to wait for whatever company is responsible for...
In addition, the upgrade instructions in the docs say that you must have a permanent activation key if you are upgrading a permanent 2.5...
Thank you muchly. At least this will give us "maintenance upgrade" customers a chance to try 3.0 without having to wait for that key in our...
Thanks, but I did not see that from page 1 to end of installation instructions. I will take another gander. It should be in the table of contents...
I was going to say "post your search" instead of links to found items because the search might not be an obvious one but "forums main page"...
This is good info but sadly the release notes (3 pdfs as far as I can tell) say NOTHING of the upgrade process. If it is as scary as you imply...
Gads, I love disconnect in this industry. The right thing to do would be to coordinate all these pieces before posting the product on a public...
Okay, try doing a search in this forum for "unlinked forums" in all forums. Exactly what would a search look like for that? I've done a number...
Good question. I was told we'd get the serial numbers as soon as the product was released. IMO they should have sent those emails out before...
I agree that it sucks (pre-authorization). Truly. These days money in an account one week is no indicaiton of what the weather will be like next...
Hmm, he should take a few words of advice, the link in the 3.0 email for example does not point to a generic upgrade information page. Instead it...
Indeed, Apple's implentation is so much sexier. I admit I was a bit shy when Jobs redid the Quicktime Player (his first 'bold' move apparent to...
I wouldn't say that Apple is way ahead across the board. I believe that we'll see plenty more innovative things come from Microsoft. I don't see...
RE: The lame IBM argument Heaven forbid I am caught defending IBM or engaging in this childish banter but you (macgeek21) really do need to do...