Separate names with a comma.
Just for extra info. Which distro are you running in your main box?
Just today I booted my laptop and it worked... restarted and now it doesn't. It has a life of its own! lol. Hope it gets fixed though :)
I -really- want to have linux tools that give good redraw speed and non-laggy mouse.
You're talking about the c++ compiler. He does have a C compiler (gcc) installed.
My sound is still blocked (Ubuntu host) :( but it's kind of weird because when I first upgraded, I got sound. After rebooting, Parallels can't...
You should try to reconfigure your X server. Sorry that I can't give you a command to do that since I use Debian based Ubuntu :( Or you could...
There's a driver for ext2/3 that works in Windows and supports it fully. I'd recommend that filesystem since Mac, Windows and Linux can...
Woot!!! :D
So you set networking to bridged and your virtual machine is getting a valid cable IP? Can you run a ping from within the virtual machine?
Ah k k, thought it was me :) hehe
When was I irrespectful :(?
Did you partition the virtual hard drive correctly?
Haha np :D .deb files are the packages for Debian based systems. I prefer to use the latest GParted LiveCD when I need to partition a hard drive...
You'd probably have to compile it from source and create a deb package. Why not just use the livecd from GParted? It gets upgraded very often too.
You should download the latest .iso file. A direct link is If you...
Download the GParted CD from the link I gave you. That version will allow you to move partitions. It's a live cd so you can just mount the image...
There aren't any Parallels Tools available for Linux at the moment. They're on the works though.
You can reboot the machine using the ubuntu live cd and then use the program GParted to merge that extra space. Alternatively, you can download...
You know, there could be many reasons to run Windows 95, even today. If you can't come up with any, it's not the OP's problem. Again, please stop...
Woot! Glad to help :D