Separate names with a comma.
yep, it's an antipiracy issue - microsoft's doing. take it up with them. :) i don't boot into windows. if i need to run windows, i have a dell...
i had to re-activate windows each time i switched back and forth. there's nothing parallels can do about this - this is strictly a microsoft...
i got that same error when i didn't select "parallels" at windows boot. don
this update provides a solution for those of us who have parallels rolled out to many users in a corporate environment. individual licenses have...
force quit parallels desktop. first set parallels memory in parallels desktop preferences > manually (we set client workstations to 50% of your...
are you using "custom"?
check key map appears shift-alt-control is used for two options... don
it's wierd, not sure exactly how i got it to work. i remember booting straight into bootcamp to install parallels tools...but finding parallels...
sorry, i didn't know it happen every time you boot back and forth. that would be a show stopper for sure. i can't verify - after reading this, i'm...
i had to install parallels tools while booted into bootcamp...then i had to reinstall parallels tools while running parallels. now coherence...
it's really not a big deal. i called the phone number in the re-activation dialog box. got someone in india. i read off the numbers on the...
observations i had some issues loading the keyboard driver within parallels when i launched the bootcamp environment within parallels the...
...i'm axiously awaiting an answer to this as well. in the meantime, i'm doing a complete backup of my home directory and /Users/Shared/Parallels...
can parallels transporter be used to convert a parallels windows image over to my new bootcamp partition? don
you guys just kicked vmware's butt from here to timbuktu this is the "break" we've been waiting for. i can now assure 100+ parallels seats... don
joem, your response to the original poster is condescending and offers little in terms of tangible help. your response to the second poster...
managed (ad/od)'s what we do parallels is maturing...obviously it's marketed as a single user product. it's at the point...
i tend to stay away from the last patch...unless it addresses an issue i'm having. as a sysadmin, it's always best to let someone else ride the...
boxed media should include... ..."given the rapid rate of evolution of both osx and apple hardware, we recommend you download the latest patch...