Separate names with a comma.
You can boot Xubuntu and only assign 128mb of memory to it. Btw, you should check e-bay to see if there's any cheapo memory modules for your lappy.
You can just run uname -r and substitute the result in the apt-get line. For example, if you run uname -r and get 2.6.15-26-686, then type sudo...
Have you tried the 2.2 beta version? Maybe your problem is fixed there :)
You could easily run something like Xubuntu using 256 or even 128mb. You'll get updated packages, the best package...
Oh yeah, even easier :)
You can use a PDF printer like: Open source of course :) And then print the pdf from the suse machine.
Running as a host or guest?
Actually 777 would enable the execute bit which is not needed. 666 should enable read/write from owner, group, others.
The problem with that approach is that you sometimes Alt-tab by accident. Then you'd have to ctrl-alt to get out. That would also happen if you...
Sound is screwed up in 2.2 hehe
My bad :(!! It's 666, not 555 :) Try again
I doubt it's too new because I just tried the Edgy RC2 livecd and it worked without any problems. Maybe you need to change the IDE channel for...
Actually, it'd be really complex to implement stuff like that because you'd have to know every version of every guest operating system and it's...
Hmmm same here (Ubuntu dapper) but I don't see any problems when firing up parallels. You can try these two: 1) Go to...
You can check the permissions (and see if the file exists) for lp0. ls -l /dev/lp*
To see if you're running any firewall, run the following command as root: iptables -L The output for a machine with no firewall should be the...
I'd suggest trying the beta 2.2 and seeing if that can fix your problem.
Hi Danorske. First of all, /dev/rtc refers to the Real Time Clock device. So you can see why Parallels tells you about possible problems if it's...
It seems that when I start parallels on my laptop, applications like gnome-power-manager get screwed up. They no longer update. I once saw a...
Yes Monkey, I have installed the parallel tools. Again, it's probably the esd server blocking the output device. About the USB... probably a bug,...