Separate names with a comma.
Hello, Click on the link below and follow the instrucitons given in the aricle.
Hello, Click on the link below and follow the instructions given in the article. NOTE : You should only...
Hello, Start the VM and then click on Virtual Machine from the menu bar on the top and click on install Parallels Tools. This will install...
Hello, Try reinstalling Parallels as instructed in the article below and then create a new virtual machine with the bootcamp hard disk....
To improve the performance of VM please follow the instructions below: 1. Set memory for Virtual Machine to less than 1 GB if you running vista...
Hello, Try reinstalling Parallels Tools on the VM this should fix the problem.
Hello, Go to computer management by right click on My Computer and clicking on Manage. In the computer management window click on disk...
Hello, Please make sure that you have installed Parallels Tools, if not the start the vm and click on Virtual Machine from the menu bar on the...
Hello, Could you let us know what is the error that you get when you try to install. If possible try to send a screen shot of that error messsage.
Hello, Try to create a new Virtual Machine and try installing with that or download the .iso image again and then try to install.
Hello, To add devices and make changes in the Virtual Machine you need to shut down the VM and then make the changes, if not shut down then...
Hello, You can move your Virtual Machine folder to the external hard drive and the use the VM from there. The default location of the folder...
Hello. Try to reinstall Parallels Tools by going into 'Virtual Machine' from the menu bar on the top and click on clicking on 'Reinstall...
Hello, Try to recreate the virtual machine and see if that works or not. If that does not work the run the followinng command in your...
Hello, Flippin the screen is switching to different view. Start your Virtual Machine and then click on 'View' from the menu bar on the top and...
Hello, Mac files will be hidden to the windows OS. Try to disable the show hidden files option in the folder options page.
Hello, Visual Studio uses UNC path for the file and Parallels uses .psf for it’s hostname…which is not a valid hostname for Visual Studio....
Hello, Could you let us know what happens when you try to install Parallels Tools. If you get any kind of error message try to send a screen...
Hello Marc, To access a server form windows(VM) the windows computer must be recognized as a stand alone computer in the network, to do this...