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I am a new user with Parallels 3.0 runing on a MBP with 2.4ghz core duo and 3mb of RAM. When I performed my first migration from my Dell...
Beware potential dumb question: I am a new MBP convert after years of being locked in the Windows prison. I have a MBP 17 inch core duo with...
Thanks Z. Do you know if I can access the windows programs I installed in Parallel in Bootcamp or do I need to load them again?
I am a long time wintel user that desperately wants to make the jump from the darkside over to the Apple World. I recently purchased a 17 inch...
Helen, I will giv this a try this weekend - I will also add that based on my conversations yesterday with tech suport, I was told that Dell and...
ATA Error Did you ever get a soultion to this problem - I am using Parallels 3.0 (most recent release) and successfully migrated my Wintel...