Separate names with a comma.
This is a community forum. The community is here to help everyone out. If you need to email Parallels directly, then do so. .... but don't...
My vote would be a Preference option to automatically PAUSE the VM when the application is hidden or in the background. Now, not everyone would...
Virtual PC had a GREAT feature call Undo Drives. It allowed you to test various software installs and have the option to keep the changes or...
Build 3120 is RC1 status The current beta build 3120 is at Release Candidate 1 status. Information on it is here:...
I've noticed that the VM (RC1) runs about 8% CPU when idle in foreground or when hidden in background. Crossover only runs at 2% when nothing...
Same here ... can't seem to locate a download for it ???
You can't drag-n-drop if you are running full screen. Drag-n-drop only works if yo are in a windowed mode. Shared folders works Great!. I've...
Beta 3 CPU usage hovers at 6% with no apps running and the VM hidden in the background. If you PAUSE the VM, the CPU usage drops to 2%. Is...
Well, as another user of Parallels, here's my thoughts regarding these suggestions #1 ) That's the way Windows works, you have 2 or more separate...
I agree. The "safeest" way to use Windows on a Mac is to use the Windows side as your temporary file and be sure to save all your "real work" into...
If you open C:\Program Files\Parallels the Coherence.exe resides there (however it is spelled). All I did was to CTRL-DRAG the program to the...
SOLUTION: There is a hidden file called .parallels_settings in the root directory of the user home folder. Deleting the file did not solve the...
UPDATE: Seems that the problem is with my user account. Logged in as another user and Parallels started in the upper left corner. I've deleted...
Beta3 keeps opening up the initial window in the middle of the screen, even after I reposition it to the upper left corner and close it there ......
Does the START MENU in the Parallels dock icon work for anyone? If so, what did you do to make it work? :(
That was what I assumed it should have done (and i expected it to do). However, it doesn't do anything at all. Any idea on how to get it operational?
Bump ... anyone know ???
OK. There is a new item in the Parallels icon menu above "Favorites" called "Start Menu". However, it doesn't appear to do anything. Anyone know...
Look what I found... :)
Yeah, I concur. That doesn't make sense. Parallels Shared Folders is designed specifically for this. In addition, when 2.5 is ready, the drag...