Separate names with a comma.
very interesting I have a problem with Parallels transporter failed to move a set up with two had drives from my old Sony Vaio Hugh W
a duh :-) i have made the same mistake too.-) I use a Windows keyboard - an old PS2 - which is fine with a modern 2 wire link to usb but...
it does for me Firefox on Mac OS I mostly get here from an email notification Hugh W
which keyboard and mouse? some older PS2 to USB (rectangular, flat connector) links no longer work the latest ones are black with two wires...
the .hdd file is your VM Just use PD Menus >> File >> Clone to make back up copies do not accept the defaults but preferably locate it on an...
please post the details exactly what you were doing numbers of OS WinMAc parallels build RAM hard hard disk sizes machine . . ....
just post your quesations here If you don't understand how to install and maintain a windows machine you better get some books and read them I...
If you ran an older version of Win XP for example before MS IE 7 came out MS IE 6 ran seamlessly when i started with Paraallels nearly two years...
why? why so many? is it work or play? is the dud disk image on a cd or an HD ? Hugh W
basically a Windows VM needs the same housekeeping as any other MS machine and I only ever suspend by accident:-) I use two screens and run...
from a private reply:- please reply to the board private discussions are a waste of time and the groups intelligence and knowledge is far...
no I just put the mouse bottom left corner to hide all and Parallels disappears as it should But checking if I use the finder menu Hide...
not necessary just file menu create new machine clone the old onto an external hard disk use the file menu to delete VM I run my VM from...
please post the numbers builds? OS ? RAM? 'puter? DSL ? connection speed? and more Hugh W
I am impressed Paralles team by your response I just need to say thank you for build 5584 which fixed my Copy Paste problems last month...
first always clone your VM to a back up - I do it every weekend so if you mess up you just open the clone (clone it again for a new back up...
yes of course so clone your VM first and play with a clone keeping your 2.* in a safe place - or two with a back up Hugh W
if this is it I expect the experts will have a go which version are you using? Hugh W
just drag the corner of the Mac OS window containing parallels to the size you want simple but beautiful programming by "the man" Hugh W
5584 is OK with me but some time back I had to put in my old key for 2.0 first then each of the others in order when reactivating after a new...