Separate names with a comma.
Hello. Please do the following: 1. Stop your VM. 2. Connect your Vista installation DVD to VM. 3. Actions -> Prepare Windows Vista Upgrade....
Hello. This setting was moved to VM configuration editor-> Shared Applications tab. In previous release you could set preference for all of...
It's safe. The problem cause: A previous installation of any product using InstallShield for installation may have corrupted some of the...
MacBook graphic card doesn't support big resolution in Coherence on two displays. Try 800x600 on both displays - it will work.
There is an InstallShield issue that may cause problems when attempting to install Parallels Tools. If you get an error message similar to...
Please try to disable Mac and Windows applications sharing in VM configuration editor.
OK. Here is the way to fix this problem: 1. Run your Vista VM. 2. Click on Start button. 3. In search field type "control userpasswords2"...
OK. I've reproduced your problem. I'll investigate it and provide a workaround.
Hmm.. I don't understand where is the problem. When you install Vista in Express mode Parallels Desktop creates blank password for your Vista...
Do you use Boot Camp?
Everybody who has this problem please provide me following log files: %temp%\parallels-wst-install.log %SystemRoot%\inf\
OK. Thank you. Please answer my additional questions: 1. What Parallels Desktop build do you use? 2. How have you shared your VM: created in one...
Have you activated Windows XP in Parallels once?
I think you use Live 6.0.7 from Ableton. If yes please download attached file. Unzip. Double-click on reg file - click OK. Then try to run your...
Thank you for report. I'll investigate your problem. Please provide exact program name or link for trial download.
Hello everybody. We aware of the problem and try to fix it.
Mick, I try to reproduce your situation, please answer additional question: Have you installed MacBook Pro Software Update 1.0? As I...
Hello. Thank you for report. We will investigate this issue. Please answer my questions: 1. What version of Vista do you have? Mick -...
distronic, This issue will be fixed in our free update. Please wait for 1-2 weeks.