Separate names with a comma.
Hello, You are right. It's not a big problem. We found little bug which prevented Window Experience Index from being counted properly. You...
Hello everybody! It's a really big problem. It's accidental, as I see. We are trying to reproduce and fix it. Thank you for your feedbacks.
Hello Sculler, Unfortunately I can't give you any workaround at this moment. I'll try to reporduce your problem on my own Mac and talk with...
Hello, Please do the following: 1. Open the Terminal and type "ifconfig en0" Find the string "ether **:**:**:**:**:**"('*' is a letter or a...
prioret, Please answer: Have you tested any of Beta versions of 5160 Update: 5060, 5120, 5144? Thank you.
Hello, Can you use Vista in native Boot Camp after failure in Parallels?
eon, Please check your Private Messages.
Mark, Thank you, we will check it in our test labs.
Bryan, Please: 1. Stop VM. 2. Check version of Parallels Desktop in About Parallels Desktop. 3. Go to VM configuration, Coherence tab. You...
Just go to Devices->CD/DVD Drive and disconnect vmtools.iso
Mark, Please try to enable "Group all Coherence windows" option.
Hello. Please specify: your Primary OS; your Parallels Desktop build number; crash type: was it Parallels bugreport or segmentation fault or...
I am listening music in Media Player 11 in Vista without problems. What I do: start Media Player with default settings and try to play any of...
Hello, Could you explain your problem in more details? Please provide steps to reproduce your problem.
Please provide me with additional information about your virtual machine configuration: memory, video, applications sharing status, shared profile...
Please provide me with information about your iMac's hardware and addtitional applications you have installed on Mac side. Do you use Boot Camp?...
Hello, Please: 1. Update Parallels Tools. 2. Open Preferences - Appearance and make sure that "Change Mac OS resolution while in fullscreen"...
Hello, could you please specify your Mac OS version and Parallels build number? Thank you.
Hello, Could you please specify the name of program you are experiencing problems with? Please post a link where I can download it. Thank you.
Hello, Please try build 5060. It's supposed to fix this problem. Note: it is beta build and may be unstable.